Gotham District, Coruscant 22 BBY

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The Grand Army of the Republic's Coruscant Guard patrolled through the streets, blissfully unaware of the armed mugging taking place a block or two away from them, right outside of Dex's Diner.

Their helmets must be quite dulling to the ears, thought one of the two men holding Commissioner Gordon hostage.

It was funny that they had caught the Commissioner, the one who was in charge of the Coruscant Guard, outside the diner. They had only hoped for someone of some decent standing to take from.

One of the men was a rogue Gungan wearing baggy pants that tightened around the ankles and the other one was a scarcely-clad Selonian. Both had one thing in common: they were in deep with the wrong people and needed some extra cash.

Commissioner Gordon was a Pantoran with a bushy mustache and surprisingly cheap glasses. He wore casual clothes, meaning that he was mostly unprepared for a mugging like this. The Gungan thought it likely that he believed he was above the other residents in the planet of Coruscant, all cogs in a huge machine. Many of those in power believed that even though they too were just parts of the machine, with Gordon being the Commissioner of a police force in one district of Coruscant, which just so happened to be just as crime-ridden as every district.

"Yousa know da drill. Hands up, no funny business, un hand over all da credits yousa got," explained the Gungan, blaster nose poking discreetly from his large jacket, aimed for Gordon. He had to do most of the talking since his Selonian ally could not speak human languages with his set of vocal cords, instead producing fuzzy clicking sounds, and he could not afford an electronic translator.

Commissioner Gordon sighed, closed his eyes, and shook his head. "Son, do you think I'm not prepared for scum like you?"

The Gungan saw him click a button. The Commissioner already had a comm in his hand. Sleight of hand? Already had it in hand? Whatever it was, it didn't matter.

"Aww, too bad. Yousa almost saved yousaself," the Gungan said as the Selonian pulled a communications disrupting device from the back of his utility belt with a toothy, furry grin on his face. He growled in celebration.

The Commissioner's face hardened. The two crooks chuckled together and Gungan reached out his hand, gesturing to Gordon.

There was a moment that passed in which nothing happened. The calm before the storm. They stared at each other, Gordon with ferocity, the two criminals with vicious satisfaction.

But then a shadowy figure dropped from somewhere above, presumably Dexter's Diner itself, striking the Gungan first.

Before the Selonian had any time to fire her blaster, the figure had already kicked it out of her hands. The gungan was just recovering from being knocked onto the ground when he experienced another planet-shattering blow to his skull and slumped down. The Selonian did not last much longer, her grunts ceased quickly.

Both blasters had been scattered from their owners and Commissioner Gordon had stumbled backward.

The shadowy figure was clad in black Mandalorian armor and brandished a flowing, tattered cape. He also had a golden belt strapped around his waist.

What stood out most were the accessories which adorned the figure's helmet. They almost looked like two bat ears.

Gordon noticed that it looked like the figure was typing something into a panel which had opened up on one of his gauntlets. He was almost fearful of this dark knight, who had come from nowhere and had said nothing but had done all the work.

"Thank you for your help, Mandalorian," Commissioner Gordon finally said after clearing his throat.

The figure looked up from the panel on his gauntlet and stared at Gordon. Obviously, Gordon could not see his savior's face, but he imagined that it was grimacing.

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