[CHAPTER 1] Cyclone's Side

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A/N: As i said, there's a LOTS of swear words, you innocent people please get off, i don't want to be responsible on ruining your innocence :)






Guess what? Guess what? Thunderstorm, Quake, Ice, and Solar went out for a week, leaving US, TTM, alone. Fucking alone..

Did they get hit or something? No, I'm sure they didn't, I still remember they was hesitating about leaving us alone.. great.. shit, me as the oldest here now.. what do Thunderstorm usually do? Oh right, nothing, oh, wonderful! Whatever, I'll just go do whatever I usually do.

I woke up as usually on my bed, went up to get a bath like always. About 10 minutes later I get dressed, wearing a blue shirt with white pants, not to forget my hat of course. I went downstairs, meeting Blaze, who was searching something on a literal cooking book.

"Wha- what the fuck are you doing? That's a cooking book dumbass!"

"I know! What do you think I'm trying to do if I was reading a cooking book? Trying to know how to swim?" He hissed, rolling his eyes in annoyance.

I stared at him, cringed, yes, of course, but him cooking? I bet he's gonna burn the house down, right?

"You're going to burn the house idiot, it's only our first day and I'm planning to survive"

"Yeah yeah whatever, I'm just trying bitch, not like we'll order online every time we eats right?"

Oh shit, he's right. I hurriedly opened my phone, went to different apps to try searching something good for breakfast. There's not really that much that's open, but still.

Blaze just stared at me for a while, before eventually turning back to the book. I could hear him rumble or sighed at some point.

The door opened, the emerald eyed brunette walked in, his eyes looking tired as it wasn't before.

"What the hell happened to you?" Blaze asked, still not turning up from his book.

"The fuck I know"

I swear I heard Thorn cussed, I mean, we did say swear words at home, sometimes.. but I don't think Thorn would've done it too, what if he learn it from us? Man, we're dead by Quake.

"You stayed up late didn't cha?" I said randomly, being uncomfortable by the silence.

"Seems like it, what do you think?"

Haha.. what a bitch.

I rolled my eyes, but eventually went back to my phone. Thorn looked around before peeking from Blaze's shoulder.

"Can you make this? This seems simple enough right?" He asked the chicken lover there.

"I- guess.. don't know, I do know I ever made it before, but I didn't practice till now"

"Well shit, I could've help I guess, I've seen Quake made it before"

"Good then"

"Try not to burn the kitchen, or worse, the house"

"Oh shut the fuck up Cyclone"

So, I don't really cared enough to help, but surprisingly they didn't burn anything, even the pancake was still white. Woah, they used magic?

I took a bite of it, delicious, almost like Quake's.

"Woah, you guys used black magic?"

"Cyclone wtf (what the fuck)"

"Joking joking, it's good tbh (to be honest)"

"I didn't expect that, but thanks"

As we three eating breakfast, we talked random and useless topics, from our pranks to even our hated subject on school, math was definitely the celebrity on that topic.

Welp, our first day went normal enough I guess.. sadly there's no one to prank to, and the TTM are too smart to know if the other was pranking them, so there's no fun at all.



"What day is it today?" I randomly asked, we agreed on killing our time on the park, though we mostly just sit on a bench and chilling while looking at some people.

"It's Saturday idiot" Blaze answered.

"I thought you were gonna say "It's Saturday dumbass"" Thorn commented.

"There's kids here, try not to cuss much" The amber eyes replied, earning a chuckle from the plant boy.

A few kids weirdly enough, approach us, we tell stories, making jokes, well, enough to make them laugh. It was fun I guess, even though we didn't pranked someone, but the kids kinda cheer my day.

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