chapter 1

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Takes place during episode 11

"Hey, Izzy? What's the story with...Goldie?" ollie asked Izzy once Javi and Amelia were out of earshot

"Yeah, what is a goldfish? And why was Javi so sad?" Zayto added

"well, before my mom and I moved in, Javi had a pet goldfish named Goldie, and she was his best friend in the whole world" Izzy explained,

"wait...his best friend was a goldfish?" Ollie snickered

"Yeah? Got a problem with that!?" Izzy glared at him "anyways...Javi loved that fish, and for a long time, she was the only one to listen to his music without judging him"

"didn't his mother support him?" Zayto asked, hearing mention of Javi's biological mother for the first time

"no, she died when Javi was very young, and it was just Javi and his dad, and since dad is the warden, Javi got goldie to keep him company"

"why not get him a dog or cat? Or even a hamster? No offence, but fish don't do much"

"Javi's allergic to fur, so a fish was the next best thing. Anyways, a few years after my mom and I moved in, Goldie died. Javi was heartbroken, it took him months to stop crying whenever we passed by the pet shop or fish store. Even then, he would spend most of his time in his room. He wouldn't even eat fish and still doesn't because he was worried it could be a relative of Goldie's"

"What did your dad do?" Zayto wondered, he had seen the relationship with Javi and his father and knew it wasn't very strong

"he told Javi to stop crying as it was just a fish. Javi refused to speak to dad for ages after that. It was not easy living with him as he went through the 5 stages of grief"

"5 stages of grief?" Zayto asked, confused

"Yeah, it's a process we go through after we go through a tragic event like a death of a loved one" Ollie explained "first there's denial, where you refuse to accept that the event has happened and everything is normal. Then there's anger, where you're angry with the world or person responsible. After that there's bargaining, because you're going through a tough moment, you're emotions are all over the place, so in this stage, you'll look for ways to regain control over your life or a way to feel like you can change the outcome of the event. Then there's depression, it's basically the opposite of the third and second stage, in this stage, people don't really feel anything and often find it hard to move on and don't do the things they usually enjoy. Finally, there's acceptance. This is a stage that people rarely reach. In this stage, people finally accept that they could not do anything that would change the event, but it doesn't mean that they've moved on from their grief. It just means that they've accepted it and move on with their life"

"humans can be very confusing sometimes," Zayto said after a few minutes of silence

"well, the only anger Javi had was at my dad, but it took a while," Izzy said and Ollie nodded

"the stages not necessarily do in order, it depends on the person and event," Ollie said

"come on, we should head back to base," Zayto said, the other two nodded before teleporting.

I really wanted to have a backstory with Javi and Goldie the goldfish and my mind came up with this.

Hope you enjoyed it!

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