Always Here

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If you look at me, what do you see? You probably see a strong, teenage boy who plays volleyball, but that's not me at all. I'm Atsumu Miya, a second year student at Inarizaki High School in Hyogo, Japan. I'm currently getting ready with my twin brother, Osamu, and little sister, Kitsune. I was brushing my yellow hair, which I dyed while my brother dyed his grey. My sister was having trouble tying her waist length, dark chocolate colored hair, in which I grab her brush and tie it into a messy bun. After getting ready, we left our house and walked to school. On our way, we see our friend, Rintaro Suna, so Osamu walks ahead to catch up with his boyfriend. "Hey 'Tsumu, are you sure yer okay? I mean, I hear the rumors around the whole school. They've been blaming ya for the loss, but we just went up against a really good school."

I look down to my shorter sister. I give her my famous bright smile. "What do ya mean? I don't even listen to those rumors anyway. I'm perfectly fine!"

She gives me one more look and heads over to 'Samu and Suna. Why do I keep lying to them? 'Samu and Kitsu... Even Suna... Omi too. Why do I keep doing this? I'm probably just an annoying burden to them.

Once I reach school, I can hear the whispers. "Oh look. It's the useless Miya. I can't believe we lost. And it's all because of him."

I-I'm right here. I can hear ya. Why are ya talking about me like I'm not here? I tried my best... We just went up against a really tough team that beat us to the win for the final set. It's not my fault... Maybe if I was a setter as good as Tobio-kun then maybe we could've won...

After classes, I head to the gym for practice. As I was warming up, I heard Suna and Osamu talking, but I don't know what they were talking about. "-Umu! Atsumu!"

I flinch. I look over my shoulder and see Kita-san, the captain. "Ya should go home Atsumu. Yer not paying attention. Go home and get some rest, okay?"

I nod. As I was getting my things, I saw Kitsune talking on the phone. I heard some of what she was saying. "He's not doing good. Please just come over. ... Okay fine. Just get over here."

She then hangs up. I ignore it and walk home. It was maybe a 10 minute walk. On the way there, I took some detours, wanting to see the nature around me. Seeing some of the rice farmers working this late, it made me appreciate them. I mean, it's not like i didn't appreciate them before. When I got home, I took a shower and plopped onto my bed. I look at my phone, and there's a text from Omi. It said "I don't have school tomorrow, so I'm going to be on my way there."

Wait. Did I read that right? Omi... is coming here? But why? Everytime I ask he's like "Sorry but you know how I am. Germs. But I promise I'll try my best to change for you."

It made me happy everytime he said it. But he said he's coming over now. But it's 7. If he leaves now, he's going to get here after 1. Because of the distance we don't see each other very often. I brush the thought off. I put my earbuds in, put my music on, and fall asleep. I wake up to the sound of my door opening. "Oh. Ya were asleep. Sorry for waking ya 'Tsumu."

I look over to Osamu. I then check the time. It's 9. "Why are ya so late 'Samu? Ya should've been here an hour ago."

I see that Osamu is sweating, wait. Or is it rain? I heard rain falling before I fell asleep. "Well, ya see. Before I left, the rain was falling pretty hard, so we had to stay in the gym until it calmed down so... yeah. Did you already eat 'Tsumu?"

I nod. I'm not hungry but if I say that I didn't eat, 'Samu will force me to eat something. I just want to sleep, to get rid of my sleepiness and to get my mind off of school.

'Samu nods and says "Well, have a good night. I'll check up on ya before my shower."

I turn my back on him and fall asleep once again. I don't know why, but it seems like I can't sleep anymore, so I get out of bed, chuckling as I hear 'Samu's little snores. I go downstairs and decide to turn the TV on. I pour myself a glass of milk and sit on the couch. That's when I hear the front door open. I went to the front door to see who it was, and that's when I saw Omi. His black, curly, hair wet from the rain. His emotionless eyes sparkling in worry. He steps inside and, instead of heading to the bathroom like he always does, he hugs me. Tightly. "Atsu... I'm sorry."

"For what?"

He sighs, lets go of me, and grips my shoulders. His face had a stern look. "I'm sorry for not giving you the love and attention you deserve. I was just scared that I would do something wrong which would make me lose you. And I'm sorry for not being there when you told me that the school was being mean."

I feel tears welling up in my eyes, but I smile. "It's okay Omi. Ya live in Tokyo, which is more than 6 hours away. Now go take a shower before you get sick. Then we can cuddle."

Omi gave me a small kiss on my cheek, another one on my lips, and lastly one on top of my dyed yellow hair. He then goes upstairs to start the shower. How did I get so lucky with you? You deserve someone so much better than me. Someone prettier, smarter. Someone more... perfect.

After Omi gets out of the shower, we head back to my room. Luckily when I open the door, 'Samu is still peacefully asleep. I lay down, my chest facing the wall. Then Omi lays in front of me and holds me in his arms. I bury my face into his toned chest and fall asleep.

When I wake up, I see Omi's eyes looking down at me, with a smile on his face. "Good morning Atsumu. I hope you had a good night's sleep."

I yawn and stretch. As I stretch, I hear my joints popping. I let out a small moan and got out of bed. I pull Omi out of bed and giggle at a small discovery. His black, curly hair was as messy as a bird's nest. He looks at me. "What are you laughing at?"

I gesture to his hair, in which his face changes into a look of realization. He then takes my hand and drags me downstairs. Once we get into the kitchen, I see Osamu, Kitsune, and Suna making some food. The coffee haired middle blocker sees me and waves at me with a spatula in his hand. "Morning Atsumu," and when he sees Omi, he looks dissatisfied. "And hello to you Sakusa."

I let go of Omi's large hand, and ran up to give my friend a hug. "Mornin' Suna! When did you get here?"

"Oh. I got a call from Osamu asking if I wanted to come over to make some food and watch a movie. I didn't want to come at first but he promised me Chuupets."

I let out a small giggle. I then look at 'Samu and Kitsu. Kistune was standing on a chair, trying to get flour from the top shelf, but as she grabbed it, she fell. She's now on the floor. Dark hair covered in flour. Osamu laughs at her but stops when he feels something going down his shirt. I let out the loudest laugh I could muster. My grey haired twin, now covered in pancake batter. I wiped my tears and tried to watch the movie that they put on, but that came to a halt when I felt a hand on my yellow hair. It was Omi, but there was something on his hand. I then feel something trickling down my face. I cross my eyes and see a white liquid. "OMI YOU DID NOT JUST POUR MILK ON MY HEAD!"

He laughs. Then I see Suna in the corner, recording everything. Classic Suna.Ready to take photos and videos whenever chaos arises around the Miya twins.

I then take the whipped cream from the fridge and put it on Omi's bird nest excuse of black hair. After that, everything turned into chaos. Kitsune, Osamu, Omi, and I were having a full on food fight, while Suna was just in the corner, recording everything. And only then did I realize that my insecurities were caused by the people around me, not the people close to me. The people close to me are the ones who can and are helping me through it. 

I was just copying and pasting this from an assignment I wrote for English. Just fixing this while eating ice cream from Baskin Robbins.

Atsumu's InsecuritiesWhere stories live. Discover now