Oneshot (first story) #1

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Hello I'm Amber and this is my first wattpad fanficion. 😆 Larry of course 💖please read . I love you and remember you're here for a reason.

Walking. Staring down at the leaves all over the ground. I didn't know where I was going. I didn't care. It didn't matter. I needed to get out. I can't deal with this. Running away from my thoughts I guess. I hate this feeling. I started to cry. I started to cry so hard. I feel down. My knees gave out. I can't see. It's all so blurry. I tied to crawl. I felt like my thoughts were chasing me. They didn't want me to leave. I wanted to be free, but they wouldn't allow me to. Help me.
My knees are probably all scraped and bloody. But I'm not stopping. I can't, or it's going to be too late. It's so windy out. I'm in the middle of the woods. Lost.
Hopefully i'll just pass out and never wake up. I knee crawled some more.
But very soon I come to a sudden stop. Because I saw it. I don't know what it is, but see it. It's so dark in the forrest, but not here. I can't look up. I'm too scared. I not crying as much now and I am trying to see more.
The ground is glowing. It is freaking glowing ! How ?! Am I dead? Mom? Are you here? Where am I? I stood up. My knees were no longer in pain.
I looked up...... There's a boy. A tall lanky boy. The ground is a glowing blue color. Neon. It's so beautiful. The trees aren't scary anymore. They make me feel safe. It's so bright now. The sky is beautiful purple and orange. Ice. The trees have ice on them. Only the trees.
The boy turns to me. I'm in shock. What Is happening ? He's so beautiful. Curly chestnut hair. Vivid green eyes. Is he an angel? I try to speak but I can't.
I almost fainted when I saw him do something so unexpected. He lifted his hands and suddenly raindrops came. Out of nowhere. They weren't like any raindrops though, they are going upwards! I feel amazing, but so confused at the same time. Not saying anything, the boy then levitates!
His feat aren't touching the ground. He floats to me.

I'm mesmerized by him. His hand comes to me. I think he wants me to take it, he remains silent. I take his hand. He's cold. But for some reason it feels warm. He gets in front of me, hand to hand. Then he says "trust me" and I nod.

He lifts me up, up, up, and up. I look down. IM FLYING?! I'm flying. We're flying! I feel free, i'm free! I'm finally free! I let go of my hand and do flips. I'm go faster, I go higher. I look down. The world. The most dangerous place. But nothing bothers me right now. I want to feel this forever. I love it . I feel so amazing.
The boy is next to me. He also me, "What are you thinking?" His voice is so deep, raspy and just pure beauty. I want to hug him, kiss him. I remember he asked me a question, I reply "I'm free." Coming to me, he says "You deserve freedom Louis Tomlinson" and my jaw drops.
He continues by stating "I'm Harry..... Harry styles, nice to finally meet you". "What's happening Harry?" I say. How does he know my name? And what does he mean by finally meet me?! "Louis do you want to feel like this forever?" He asks. I frantically say " I never want it to end! " then he comes closer to me. We stare at each other.
He holds me. I feel so safe and secure. I think I love him . He leans into me. His face is so close to mine. I can feel his heartbeat. I stare at his lips. I can't help it. He does the same.
"Harry?" I say confused, but before he says anything back, I feel a warm feeling on my lips. He holds onto me. Oh my. Am I in heaven? I kiss back. I feel my heart tingling. Harry kisses me more deeply. We kiss for a while. Then he says "Now you can stay, you're my mate for life." I'm still so confused though. Why did this happen ? What on earth does this mean ?

"What are you Harry ?"I asked him timidly, he sighs and says, "Louis..... I'm your soulmate. I died a long time ago. I'm a ghost." He's dead? If he's dead, am I dead too? "Louis you're a ghost too. You were in the woods but some guys jumped you. Louis, you looked unrecognizable, there was no way I could save you again. " He says sadly. I was astonished. What? I'm dead?! How, I was just taking a walk? I started to freak out. I flew to the ground and started to run. I ran and ran. Harry calls my name.
Then I see it. My body. Lifeless on the ground. I'm so bloody. I have a gash in my head. I have cuts and bruises all over. I see my arm in a way it's not supposed to be. Harry is next to me. He tells me "You're free now Lou" he takes me and we fly away, I'm free I say to myself. I'm free.

- I hope it's kind of interesting :-/ . I have an Instagram btw if you want to check that out 😘 @phan.omenal_Howlter and I KNOW that I used A LOT of periods..... That's because it's like the theme I was going for I guess. It's really late and I'm listening to wings. I know it's about basketball but I got a different meaning to it and I wrote this 😊 peace ✌️

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2016 ⏰

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