Part 1-Love is in the Air

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This story is about 2 amazing and strong young individuals. This ain't no simple love story. This is some serious business that very few of us experience at such a delicate and tender young age. This story is amazing and inspirational, and I'm sure you'll be amazed at the humor and joy and laughter and angst you get from this complicated story. 




is at school and she was staring at the blank walls with a blank face and with a blank expression on her blank face. She did have facial features, mind you. She had 2 eyes and a nose and a mouth that could be easily mistaken as 2 mouths and 2 ears. And a mole...uh I mean beauty mark.

It was her first day of school and her mind was confused and it made her seem confused. 

She has descended on thish island! An island called a school! A school with girls and erm...BOYS!

Avigail raised her eyebrow and thought, ERHM BOYS?

She was from a girls' school and she transferred, in case you were dumb enough to not know. 

Infer then, person. 

She wasn't particularly attractive or had really nice features except for her mole-like beauty mark but she looked simple and fresh as her mom forced her to eat her food carefully with a dog bowl dish thingy on her head. She wasn't very tall or very short. She was more...just nice. 

RYAN was reacting almost the same way as Avigail. He just arrived in a new environment and he too, was confused like a confused potato or dumbass. Not that potatoes are dumb just that this guy was a dumb potato. Like potatoes are technically smart but this one in particular was dumb.  That's it. I don't insult potatoes. He had spiky hair and dirty nails and has 2 eyes and 2 noses and a mouth that could be mistaken as 4 mouths and 2 ears which didn't function. His eyes were also often teary at the weirdest of times which therefore make him a loud, dumb, confused, deaf, crybaby potato. 

What made him worse that he was 3 heads shorter than the average population which made him around 2.5 heads shorter than Avigail. Which wasn't very good as they were meant to be together. 


But the sad thing was that they were only 10 and they shouldn't be dating. So they came up with a plan. They fought with each other every day which made them seem that they were just friends but in reality it was like a signal to the other party that their love was true and they wanted to maintain their relationship. Many people thought they hated each other but I, as a genius, and the other author of this book, could tell that they had a tiny little spark between their eyes.

The spark grew bigger and split into 2. And then it continued to split, like tiny cells. The sparks danced around while they were arm wrestling to lock their hands together. And then they went above their heads to have heart shapes situated there. 

And that is HOW AVIAN was created.

And I'm here to tell the story.


a/n: Gurita Looi JH you better be thankful I went home and wrote this immediately so take the time to add it into your library so you can read it offline. Now I'm starving. 

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