I woke to the sight of the sunset, the sky a painting of yellow, orange, and purple. The grass tickled my face, a cool green against the warm sky. It was quiet and the birds had ceased their chirping. Maybe I was in shock.

She was lying there next to me, bright blue eyes peeking out from behind fluttering lids. It was if the scene had been arranged in a picture; the two of us lying side by side on our back, seemingly ready to stargaze in the darkening sky. The sun brushing the horizon at just the right angle, casting perfect rays upon the clouds. The road was empty, bare, every person sitting down for dinner. It was a perfect picture.

But we were both broken, and broken objects don't belong in perfect pictures.

She pushed herself up onto her elbow, amber locks falling over her shoulders, mixing with the early falling leaves.

Her eyes wandered everywhere, the sky, the road, the lone tree standing to the left, but to to me. It was as if she was avoiding me, trying to deny my existence, the thought I had braved to voice. She denied it, hated it, feared it even. I could tell. Maybe she hated me too.

I knew my brokenness would revel in my defeat, it was only a matter of time before it welled up, roaring, fighting to be noticed . . . But it never came.

I lay in silence for minutes, each second ticking by like and hour, waiting for my emotional demise to befall. It never came. There was nothing, none of the self hate, spite, loathing, emptiness I'd been feeling for my entire life. It was gone, erased in one second, one momentous moment.

With one touch.

Barely a touch, just one accidental brush of the hand, pinkie to palm. A trivial jester, caused by flinging an arm out to defend from an invisible attacker, nothing worth noting under normal circumstances. But these weren't normal circumstances, and we weren't normal people.

We were broken. We had lost and grieved something we had never had. We hated ourselves, hated our cracked sanity, our lost normality. Wished for something we'd feared we were never going to get. Hoped we could bury the angry feelings in the illusion normalcy. Tried, oh god we had tried, to fix ourselves. But we couldn't, we were unable, incapable of mending us.

We had to fix each other first.

I looked at my soul sister, and smiled for the first time in my life.


Hello, and welcome to my book! This is just a story I thought up of when I was bored in class and actually decided to write (and got a TINY bit attached to).  If you have and feedback, constructive criticism, comments, or ideas you want to share, just message me! Just please don't be mean about it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2021 ⏰

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