Prologue (Unrevised)

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    In the begging all that existed was space and the collective unconscious, till one day the universe as we know it was born from a series of quantum fluctuations  over the period of trillions of years form the first rip in fabric and time and space. They were formed by a particularly gifted consciousness that in todays society is often overlooked, but would be the one known as The core. The Core after a conceptually infinite time began to try and break free from the collective as to have a form, a purpose, to create and expand his power and most importantly create host for his fellow consciousnesses stuck in the collective.

   And so the universe began and the core used the opportunity to manipulate the fluctuations to the exact frequency to create life, and a habitable universes, setting the laws for this universe in physics. As billions of years passed and the universe was finally habitable the core found earth and from his power he created children in his image, One named Adam, later to be known as Lucifer or the devil, and Lilith his bestowed wife, and from this they were meant to bring new intelligent life forward from the remanence of the collective, though their origins were more nefarious and by the laws of space and time a new being was created, Belthromov, a being of pure knowledge space and time that hold more knowledge than the core itself. Belthomov managed to enticed Lilith to leave Adams side and help him interfere in the cores conception of humanity as it was not ordained by space and time and would eventually lead to the destruction of space and time itself if the collective unconscious were to lose an abundance of it energy, which would be the end for everything including all conceptualities, space and time, less than nothing.

     But The core had incited Adam with purpose, and angered by Lilith's disposition he instead created Adam a subservient creature known as eve born from his own rib, in order for them to create host, they must bread but do to the creation process all of Adam and eves children would now be mortal, living short lives of cellular deuteriation, nearly dying in an instant in the cores eyes. This was a problem they had later discovered as when a consciousness leaves the collective they can not return, or at least the core hadn't thought this far ahead and in a last ditch effort to same his old friends he created Hell in a lower dimension in order to conserve the consciousness's in order to return them to a physical state, an idea of which the core later abandoned in retrospect of nothing going according to plan. Of which he lost all hope and left his creations to die as he succumbed to the universe and faded from existence.

    Adam was left with eve in the Garden of Eden cursed to live forever until  Lilith returned promising Eve a child that could live just as long as any of them, all she would have to do is bite into an apple born from space and she would no longer be one with Adam of which both her and Adam agreed with, their lives began to get dull, boring living with all of life in one area, they had already seen, and experience all that they can, humanity had expanded generations outside the garden but, inside only they had remained. As for the humans their lives outside the collective had never regained their memories and live their short lives merely trying to survive. As for Adam, Eve, Lilith and Belthromov had no true connection to humanity as they had not originated from the collective and were the product of pure creation making them a new species of  life in the universe, Gods even among the collective as their power in the universe was inherent and far greater than anything that was the product of the collective could produce.

   Though over time this had not rubbed off on Adam, he had lived his life wondering why he's wasn't good enough for The Core, why he couldn't keep his father around, and wished that he was good enough to have been able to create a pure host. Lilith's offer was to good to pass, he wanted a child, and wanted to raise it in his fathers image but doing so had left an imprint on the child that was Greater than a god, one of which he felt a natural desire to rule above the Gods. Eventually over time two wars proceeded within the pantheon between Adam and Belthromov, of which Adam defeated Belthromov but at the extent of a majority of his power and a new god, a brutish guardian was created to combat Adam so now Belthromov had the upper hand but still surrendered. Oddly enough his son Zeus had intervened begging Belthromov to stop the senseless violence and the first war concluded with Adam and Belthromov restoring humanity to its former glory as much was destroyed in the first conflict.

  The following second conflict wasn't so forgiving as Yahweh, Adam and Eves son had began to rebel against his father, who had no longer had any significant power in his form. Yahweh felt it was his right to inherit humanity and rule over them while everyone else decided to leave humanity to their own devices. Yahweh had inherited the Power of Adam and the knowledge of the Eve had inherited and the only other person that could come close to his power was Zeus. As The battle raged on Adam, Eve, and Lilith perished, in the final moments all that remained were Zeus, The Guardian and Belthromov who managed to subdue Yahweh and banish him to the final dimension which took all power and offered no point of return, of which Belthromov had to give his physical form to achieve, and in in his last moments he granted humanity and Gods alike a physical form granting Adam, Eve, and Lilith a second chance, while as humans. The Guardian remained in Hell to maintain peace with the consciousness that resided, while Zeus ruled from the physical plane ensuring that no threat ever overtakes humanity, eventually expanding his family to a pantheon of 12, birthing children with Adams daughter Hera.

    Though Yaweh was defeated, his influence remained dominant, and continued to grow wider and wider till eventually humanity resented the pantheon and hunted them down one, by one. Or so they Were allowed to think, Adam came back in this lifetime to be guided by the pantheon to recover his powers and his influence and attempted to insight religion as ones self, but do to the ignorance of humanity, his message was alter to provide an even more religious stance used to control the people by the corrupted individuals at the top of the hierarchy who merely pretended to be god for there lives were meaningless and empty, on a continues rotation of which older consciousness began to become more and more aware of, wanting to break the cycle and using the masses as pawns to achieve immortality. Fortunately it was not possible, and any possibilities were hidden away by the pantheon. 

    The pantheon now had one duty, manage and control humanity to prevent its numbers from growing to such a large number that the collective begins to lose energy, any drop in infrequency could be the end of this universe so war was used as a tool of the pantheon in order to ensure humans remained in constant rotation and no new conciseness at significant numbers were birthed causing unpredictable fluctuations. As time went on, technology made the powers of the old look insignificant and they allowed humanity to thing more freely outside the manipulation of the pantheon. Eventually leaving the need for religious guidance behind as technology now began to provide answers, and equally war. But while war remained a very active pass time for leaders of the new world, casualties were no longer evening out the growth rate of humanity and the population began to raise exponentially, the year is 2020 a young man by the Name of Adam Guess has and below average life, at an average job and much bigger asperations, but something has always been missing in his life. We start off our story of self exploration and holy descent here.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2021 ⏰

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