chapter one

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i wake up in my room. the sun is in my eyes. ugh. my room is so big. i'm not like other girls.
i'm waiting for my dad to set me to mongoose mafia man. my dad and i didn't get along ever since he threw my mom in a well 🥺. hashtag daddy issues, i guess you could call it. i get my 3'5 body out of bed and almost trip over my blonde orange lemon kiwi hair that goes down to my ankles.
"WHORE GET UP RIGHT NOW" i heard a mongoose moose deep sexy wet wet voice boom in the mansion.
i get out of bed and put on some leggings, a giraffe pattern skirt and a jean jacket. even though i'm scared, i'm still stylish. when i open the door the 9'3 man grabs my ankles and throws me down 4 flights of stairs. and then throws me in a car
"whore." he says
wow it gave me butterflies.
ugh the sound of his voice makes me wanna fuck a crow 😩
will this be true love??

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