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"Hey, Sangwoo I need to tell you something." Yuuma spoke softly to Sangwoo. Sangwoo could only guess and have his thoughts racing. Sangwoo of course wanted this to be romantic so he thought he should confess. Sangwoo then slowly opened his mouth to talk to his crush. "Yeah, what is it Yuuma?" Sangwoo said with a slight smile.

Yuuma slightly neighed but then looked into Sangwoos eye orbs. He then parted his lips to speak. "I, I love you Sangwoo!" Yuuma almost hollered at Sangwoo. Yuuma slowly turned a slight red and turned away from Sangwoo.

     Sangwoo on the other hand looked at Yuuma and laughed softly. "I love you too, Yuuma I always love you." Sangwoo said to Yuuma slightly happy and crying. Yuuma then turned to Sangwoo and blushes a deep red. (Can horses even blush?)

    Then Yuuma stared into Sangwoos wonderful eyes and slowly walked towards him. Closing any of the room they had between them. Sangwoo knew what would soon happen and even he leaned closer to his love. They both finally got to each other's face and they leaned closer and kissed.

Yuuma x SangwooWhere stories live. Discover now