first aid

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Dean's pov

My jaw was throbbing, I had a black eye, and a busted lip. The sick thing is that i love the pain. I can't help it though. With me having to stay at home with Sam, and not going hunting, I can't get that dose of pain that I crave.

Yeah, i know im, disgusting. But, I just cant help it. What makes it worse, is that sammy walks around in tight, short shorts, and crop tops when dad is on a hunt. I started fighting when we moved here. We agreed that we would stay where we are, until sammy finishes high school.

So i stay with sammy alone for days, weeks, sometimes even months, at a time. The fact that he tempts me without knowing makes me feel disgusted with myself. But, when he walks around with his deliciously, fat ass, and thighs being hugged in those short shorts. His slim waist and stomach out. His pink lips slightly bruised from biting them when he thinks, I just cant help but get hard.

Shit, here he comes

"Hey, Dean" he says

"Hey, Sammy" I reply.

Son of a bitch, he is in short shorts, again. He walks into the room with a yogurt in his hands. I look over and see him sit down right beside me. I smell his perfume that he wears when dad isn't here. It smells mouthwatering, I immediately get hard. I discreetly grab a couch pillow, and cover myself with it.

I look at him and, my eyes are instantly drawn to his lips. The way they wrap around and, engulf the spoon with the yogurt on it.

Dear lord, give me the strength. Sam looked up at me in silent horror, as if just realizing something.

"Dean?! Again?" He asks angrily.

"H-huh? What?" I stutter worried that he had caught me staring.

He sets his food in the coffee table, and then marches towards me grabbing my face. Then I realize that he was talking about my injured face.

"Dea, I thought I told you not to fight anymore." He says pouting his lip.

God, if he keeps making that face I won't be able to control myself. Fuck.

"I know Sammy, I'm sorry."

"Sorry isn't gonna cut it this time." He says. I think he is genuinely passed this time.

"Come here." He says while grabbing my hand, pulling me up from the couch. Though it didn't do much.

"Okay, okay!" I chuckle, standing up and letting him pull me up the stairs.

He pulls me into our shared room, and sits me on his bed. Once I'm sitting, he kneels down and rummaged under his bed for a second. By the way the view is spactacular.

"Aha!" He exclaims standing up. Making me turn my head away quickly.

"Whatcha got there Sammy?" I question getting a glare from him in return.

"If you must know it's a first aid kid." He says. Ah so he's still mad.

"Oh cmon Sam, don't be like that." I say.

All I get is a huff in return. Setting the first aid kid on the bed he turns to me.

"Spread your legs." He says.

"What?" I ask looking at him in confusion.

"So I can stand between them and clean your wounds." He says in an obvious tone raising an eyebrow.

"Oh, right!" I say.

"Jerk." He says.

"Bitch." I reply.

He stands between my legs and pulls out some antiseptic wipes. He wipes the cut above my eyebrow first. I grunt trying to hold back a moan from the pain that caused pleasure to course through my body.

"Don't be a wuss." He says smirking.

I glare at him but all I get in reply is a grin. He grabs another wipe and cleans my lip, this time I hold back the groan.

"There all done!" He says with satisfied grin.

"Thanks Sammy." I say chuckling slightly.

"Yeah, whatever." He says slightly glaring at me.

He goes to walk away but, before he can get too far I grab his arm, and pull him back.

"Are you still mad at me Sammy?" I ask hugging him from behind.

All I get in reply is a quiet huff. Aww he is still mad. I put my hands on his sides and start rubbing up and down.
I hear the slight hitch in his breath.

"Aw, don't be mad at me, Sammy~" I say lowering my voice an octave.

"I-I'm n-not mad." He stutters the pout still in his voice.

"Oh~" I start "You're not?" I ask my voice still seductively low, as I lower my grip to his hips.

"N-no, I'm just sort of upset that you didn't listen." He says, squirming a little his breathe picking up.

"I'm sorry Sammy." I say making sure my Breathe hit his ear. "Please forgive me?~" he turns around in my grip and huffy.

"Fine." He says and pulls back. "I'm tired." He says yawning. By the way, probably the cutest sound I've ever heard. He turns around and heads back to his side of the room.
Wait, when did we move to my side of the room? Oh well.

"Night, De." He says turning out his light.

"Night, Sammy." I say, knowing I'm not gonna get any sleep. Knowing I'm gonna beat myself up about what I just did to Sammy all night. Oh well I think to myself as I get in bed and stare at the ceiling. Nothing I can do about it now.

<3 that's the end of this chapter sorry I haven't updated to the one person that read and voted camrin_b2 . But I'll try to do better.
I'm just forgetful so if you want another chapter just tell me thanks bye

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2022 ⏰

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