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Matthew opened his eyes followed by a yawn and stretch before rolling out of bed.

Today's the day!

He threw on his favorite blue shirt, a fresh pair of shorts, and his sneakers before rushing towards the kitchen to grab a quick breakfast. Matthew gobbled down the cereal and milk he made himself and quickly scrambled out the door like he would most humid summer mornings.

Today however, is special. Today comes once every 365 days. Today is the day that Matthew's great-uncle Sammy sends him a crisp 20 dollar bill in the mail. Today is the day his big sister comes to visit from college to take him out for ice cream.

Today--July 8th, 2010--is special, for it's Matthew Harrison's eleventh birthday.

Matthew walked down the wooded trail he had memorized over time and eventually came up to a homely treehouse with a rickety ladder leading up to the hideout's door. He grinned as he climbed the ladder and swung open the door, expecting to see his best friend of four years there waiting for him.

Maybe she slept in, or maybe she forgot something at her house...

He strolled into the treehouse feeling a bit disappointed until he heard a cheerful voice from behind him yell, "Happy Birthday, Matthew!" He whipped around to see his best friend, Heather Richards. Unlike Matthew, Heather was from the nice side of town and came from a decently wealthy family. Her father was the Mayor, and her mother ran her own fashion line. Despite how perfect her life seemed, Heather often snuck away.

"Well don't just stand there like a dummy, open it!" said Heather with a smile. Matthew glanced down and noticed the small package she was holding out towards him. Without hesitation, he ripped off the wrapping paper and peered inside the box.

Confused, he asked, "What is it?"

"It's a handmade friendship bracelet. I made it myself," Heather replied beaming. "Look, I have one too! We match!" She stuck out her arm to show him her matching bracelet. "It means we'll be friends for forever and ever!"

"Thanks Heather!" Matthew said with a toothy grin.

I'm never taking this thing off!


"Can you believe that the summer's almost over and we start high school together in less than a month?" Matthew asked leaning back in a chair seated in the treehouse.

"Uh-huh," Heather mumbled looking down at her feet. He could tell there was something bothering her; she'd had a gloom about her all day.

"Hey, what's the matter?" he asked starting to get a bit worried.

"It's nothing don't worry about it," she replied with a hint of annoyance in her voice.

"Heather, I'm your best friend and I know when something's up. Just cut to the chase and tell me what's on your mind," Matthew said, growing more anxious. After not receiving a reply, he began, "Heath-"

"Matthew just drop it already. I'm going home," she said cutting him off. She spun around to leave, but before she could make it out of the door, Matthew caught her arm.

"Don't just storm off like that! Look, let's sit down and talk it out, okay Heather?"

She looked up at him with tears welling in her eyes. "Well, there's something I never told you," she began. "I was afraid you'd think it was dumb, o-or that I was being stupid." She paused. "Promise you won't think it's dumb?" she asked looking back up at him.

He smiled and said, "Fine, I promise."

"Okay, you promised," she started. "Well, a couple months ago, after we were finishing up that gum commercial I was in, this man came up to me and asked for a word outside. As shady as that may sound, he was actually a talent scout for a bigger company. He told me that he saw real potential in me as an actress, and that he would personally recommend me to a big producer in LA."

"Heather," Matthew said with wide eyes. "That's amazing, why didn't you tell me?" He paused for a moment, studying the expression on her face. "Wait, how is this bad?"

"Well, there's this big producer in California that wants me to star in his next series, and it could be my big break," she added. "But moving would mean leaving my whole life back here in Arkansas. I'd be leaving my friends, and my family here, and, well," she sighed and glanced down hiding her face, "you."


Okay, keep it together.

"So," Matthew started. "What are you gonna pick?"

"It's funny that you think I had a choice," Heather retorted. "Of course my mom said yes before even talking to me about the whole situation. I mean, what was she thinking?" She stopped. "Sorry," she mumbled.

"No, it's okay, but try to see their perspective, too," Matthew replied. "It's only because they care about you."

"Oh yeah, totally, because controlling your kid's life and never let them do anything on their own is true love," she replied with her voice cracking.

This isn't helping at all.

He stood there for a moment before pulling her into a tight hug. "Shh, it's okay," he whispered while rubbing her back. Her muffled sobs made him realize something.

She'll really miss me? Of all people, me?

He tried to keep his mind off of what he dreaded most after hearing her words, but it kept on floating back into his train of thought no matter how many times he attempted to push it back down.

I'll miss her more than anything.

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