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Walking was all I could seem to do nowadays, it was my simple sense of relief. Unsurprisingly I was out on another walk. The soft scent of rain filled my nose as took a deep breath in.

"Ah I love the rain" I whispered as to let anybody but me hear.

The umbrella I always took with me was nowhere to be seen. The rainy season was always my favourite. So, I was always prepared for it, but today not one of those days.

"Shit, I forgot my umbrella" I grumbled to myself

it would be a good time to head home despite only being halfway done with my walk. It wasn't a very smart idea to be out while it's raining. Reluctantly, I turned around and made my way towards my house. At the back of my mind, I thought I could hear someone out calling my name. I ignored it though, as my only worry was to not get rained on. The call grew louder as I walked further down the bleak road.

"Y/N Y/N" a voice called out from behind you

"Jesus, who is it?"

Slowly the figure came into focus as they trudged towards me.

"Hey I uh saw you walking by and I wanted to say hello, so hello"

At first, it was hard to notice who they were because I was only thinking about going home at this point. Then I realized it was Akaashi. His soft black hair caressed his forehead, and his shining emerald eyes looked intently into mine. It's as if he wanted something from me, but I couldn't figure out what it was.

"Sorry I didn't mean to startle you, I saw you walk by my house while I was on my way to practice. I wanted to ask if you would walk with me?"

He got straight to the point, but he said it with a slight eagerness that I don't think he meant me to hear. It was endearing, but I was already on my way home.

"Sorry, I was on my way home. It's about to rain and I forgot my umbrella today." I sighed.

He quickly reached towards his bag and pulled out a black umbrella. Letting out a soft smile, he held the umbrella in front of him as if it was a grand prize.

"I grabbed one before I left, my mom reminded me" he laughed

"I was actually planning on walking your way before I realized it was going to rain. So, I'll walk with you." I replied as I let out a simple smile.

This was quite unusual for him, yes, of course, I saw him at school but it seemed as though he paid no mind to my presence. Sometimes we would help each other with homework but that was the extent of our limited interactions. I wasn't really the type of person to go out of my way to talk to others, but he didn't seem like the type either. He's not much of a talker, at least from what I've heard. This is odd to me, he is surrounded by people all the time with such little effort. I wish I was just a little bit more like him; radiating enough light to have people drawn towards me.

I have friends, as any other normal high school girl would. I can't manage to maintain my friendships though despite my efforts. They're always out and about, and I don't have the energy to do thing things with them. I have a hard time leaving my house these days, I can only manage to go on short walks, normally alone. I can feel them drifting away, but I don't mind being by myself. I think this even though I don't believe it. I try to convince myself otherwise but the fact is I do mind it. I could never radiate the same warmth I get from this one person. The one walking alongside me, the one not minding my silence.

Suddenly Akaashi disrupted my train of thought before it spiralled down further.

"Y'know I see you walk by my house every day- wait no that sounds sorta creepy I meant-"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2021 ⏰

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