Strolling Zhongli

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(Hey guys this chapter may be a little long while I work out some kinks and details, please bear with me for a little bit.)

Y/n's P.O.V

I pushed my way through the crowd in Liyue harbor, my scrolls and books in hand. "Fuck I'm gonna be so late!" I squeezed through another few people and stumbled over a rock, dropping all of my books and scrolls, one scroll rolled towards the ledge of the wharf and I gasped, reaching out to grab it but someone leaned down and grabbed it for me. She was dressed in all pink and her hair was also pink. "I think you dropped this." She handed it to me as I rushed to gather everything else and grab it, nodding at her. "Thank you!" I call to her before dashing off once more. I ran off and pushed my way past, toppling over at Ningguang's feet, my scrolls bursting out of my bag and I scrambled to grab them. She placed her heel on one and leaned down, picking it up and reading it. "This is what Rex Lapis has decreed or is this the festival plans?" She sounded irritated. She wanted to get back to her Jade Chamber. I shook my head and fumbled about my scrolls as I pulled Rex Lapis' out, handing it to her and retrieving my festival scroll. As she started to read the decree, a large dragon's body dropped from out of the sky. It was Rex Lapis. I stumbled backwards, my heart pounding rapidly. Everyone screamed in shock and backed away, some starting to run. Instantly the area was surrounded by the Millelith, their spears pointed toward the crowd, preventing anyone from running away. Ningguang, now looking mortified, backed away and towards the captain of the Millelith, speaking to him in a hushed voice, her eyes darting over the crowd. I stood up and brushed myself off, stuffing my scrolls into my bag and sealing the top of it. One of the guards came over to me and asked me if I would kindly follow him. I said yes and started to follow him, noticing a new figure in the crowd I hadn't seen before. His hair was long, brown and looked sun bleached at the tips of his hair, his clothing long as well and he had his arm crossed with the other resting on it, staring at the lifeless figure of Rex Lapis, I'd never seen him before, and therefore I was cautious.

A sharp voice caught my attention and I turned to face the voice, the guard that had been leading me had stopped and called me over, I walked over to him and set my bag down as he started to question me, his voice grave and filled with what I assumed was fear. I kept my voice as steady as possible so as to answer his questions. The pink covered girl walked over and waved her hand, dismissing the Millelith, a book in her hand. "Hi. My name's Yanfei, a Liyue lawyer. Financial lawyer. You bumped into me this morning and then dashed off?" She opened her book, scanning it a little and then back at me. "I was asked to retrieve you by Xingqiu and his friend Chongyun." She waved her hand for me to follow then started walking. I grabbed my bag and followed her, I glanced back at the dispersed crowd and that man was still there, but he was looking at me this time. I shuddered and hurried off after Yanfei. "Uh. I'm Y/n." I tried to introduce myself but my voice hitched. Yanfei shook her head at me and I sighed. "I already know your name. Don't worry about it." She didn't seem to like small talk, it probably makes her uncomfortable. I shook my head and straightened up. She stopped outside the Feiyun Commerce Guild's doors and stopped. "This is as far as I was instructed to go, I have business matters to attend to!" She waved her hand with a small smile and ran off, leaping off the stairs. I turned back towards the doors and pushed them open, the atmosphere was tense and the lighting dim. I took a deep breath and proceeded forward, going around the divider, Xingqiu and Chongyun sat at one side of the table, an older man sat at the other side, with two younger men. Xingqiu stood up and walked over. "Father! Brothers! Y/n has arrived. We can start talking about the prophecy now." He led me next to Chongyun and had me sit down, going back to his own place and sitting down. Chongyun looked very uncomfortable and gave me a small wave, a slight smile on his face. "Alright. So far what we know is that Rex Lapis is dead. Now in the prophecy, after he died there was a great battle with the lord Osial, who Rex Lapis sealed under the water in the Archon War. The prophecy speaks of a girl with h/l h/c (hair length, hair color), with e/c (eye color) eyes. Now, Y/n here perfectly resembles the girl in the prophecy, what part she plays in it I do not know." Xingqiu's father started, standing up and walking to the front of the room. "But, father, she is just an ordinary human girl. She has not even received a Vision." One of Xingqiu's older brothers argued. "The prophecy spoke of a girl with a vision. Where is hers?" His father dismissed him. "You did not read the prophecy. The girl will get her vision in the battle when she needs it most, for it says 'The battle nearing an end and her friends exhausted and beaten lay around her, she returns to the battle, she pulls out her sword from her scabbard, she feels the power of Rex Lapis course through her veins, she rushes forward and swings her sword there may be a burst of geo flung from her sword.' You, son, did not read as much as you told me you did." He seemed disappointed. His face twisted with disappointment. I stood up and shook my head. "That's crazy. I don't even have a weapon. I am not a violent person, I deliver scrolls to Lady Ningguang and that it is. Why would I fight in a battle that I have no interest in?" I shook my head, ready to leave, but Xingqiu stood up. "I will teach you the way of the sword. If you find no interest in swords, I will see if Chongyun can train you with a claymore. But for the sake of Liyue you must do this." I glanced at him and shook my head. "Nonsense. I take no part in violence. The Millileth and Lady Ningguang will take care of us." I brushed my clothes off and left, I could feel the frustration boiling up in the pit of my stomach. I hadn't even eaten today and these people were throwing prophecies at me? I shook my head and walked off, as I looked down at my bag to find my wallet I walked into someone, their chest sturdy enough to knock me on my ass. I looked up and gasped, it was the strange man, he leaned down, holding a hand out to me, his eyes were gorgeous. I grabbed his hand and he pulled me up, his hands were gloved and he nodded at me apologetically. "Apologies miss." His voice caught me off guard very much, I didn't think for someone as aggressive looking that it would sound so soft. I shook my head. "Don't apologize. I should've watched my steps." I grinned at him. "Don't worry about it! Let me buy you dinner!" I nodded at him, hoping he will accept. "I'm not sure that I can, I must get to the Funeral Parlor or my boss will be upset with me. Hu Tao may be a morbid creature when she wants to be." He shook his head, waving a gloved hand. I sighed in disappointment but nodded. "Hurry then!" I waved bye at him as he walked off in the direction of the Funeral Parlor. I watched for a few seconds before coming to and headed to a restaurant. 

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