My third affair

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I was in high school when i meet jonas , though i like him or should i say i had a big crush o him , im not beautiful so i would'nt though that, someone like him , will like me back !

By the way my name , is amber im 17 years old at that time , i dont have experience in any relationship so , i was coward when i meet him , so i was in fourth year high school at that time ,
were leaving in a same province , but were not close , though his sister and i been friend , i see him , iwas 13 when i had a crush on him , but at that time ,im to young to have a boyfriend im still studying , so , im not pursuing my self to him ? Eventhough i fantssize him that me and him ,together :)

my , childhood is very interesting , but sad , at the same time , my mom and my dad , split up ;! Me and my brother and sister , were left with my dad , my mom is , leaving with his new boyfriend and left us ,?
I still remember that when it happen , i cried everyday , i want to go with my mom ,but im in grade 4 and still stuying  i was 9 years ? So ,i dont have a choice ,to leave with my dad  , :(
my dad ,is a very kind man so i dont get it why my mom left him, he give everything to my mom but my mom is not sattisfied at all :(

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2021 ⏰

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