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misunderstanding lokixreader
warnings:fluff and maybe some sad stuff

Loki had been avoiding you for a few days which wasn't usual, you talked every day and he was one of your closest friends in the tower so when he stopped talking to you it felt you did something wrong whenever you went into the library he'd leave,whenever you got something to eat and he was in the kitchen he'd go to his room and it made you sad because you liked Loki and you felt like he didn't feel the same.
"y/n wanna come roller skating?" Wanda asked coming in your room
"no thanks" you said laying in bed,you didn't want to do anything and you felt silly because it was because of Loki
"are you sure you've been cooped up in here all day" she asked again
"yes, thank you Wanda" you gave her a simple smile she said okay and promised to bring you home some cotton candy to cheer you up. Eventually you left your room to get some water and you past Loki in the hallway you said hello and he didn't even acknowledge you just kept walking it felt like someone just kicked you in the heart, why was he ignoring you? you didn't even get your water you went on the balcony to get some fresh air considering you had been in bed all day when you looked at the sky you couldn't help but think about the times you and Loki had done the same there, you cried. you really didn't want anyone to see you like this but you were so confused and hurt emotions twirling around in you and you sobbed under the star light it wasn't too long before Loki saw you this way.
He had developed feelings for you and he didn't want to hurt you so he distanced himself but he couldn't help watch you so upset "Y/n are you alright?" he asked coming on the deck "mhm" you said trying to fix your appearance wiping your tears "Well then why are you so upset?" he asked concerned you began to say you were fine then you looked up and him and saw his beautiful blue eyes and you started crying, you knew why it was because you liked him so much,
"I have to go i'm sorry" you ran past him and went in your room, you couldn't let him see you like this Loki felt horrible he knew he had something to do with your mood and he knew he had to tell you how he felt,if you ever left your room at the compound he thought he'd see you the next morning but you never came out of your room Wanda had been trying to get you to come out but nothing was working not even cotton candy. You were devastated for reasons you didn't even know.
"y/n c'mon please i miss you" Wanda spoke still trying to convince you
"I'm just tired Wanda i'm sorry" you said in a low voice it was the first sentence she heard from you all day
"well let me see you,please" she pleaded
you let her in and she shut the door behind her
"have you been crying?, what's wrong tell me" she looked sad now making you feel worse. You weren't sure if you could tell her the truth you didn't want her to think you were being silly but you couldn't think up a lie "Loki's been avoiding me a-and i don't know why" you sniffed about to cry again for how dumb you thought you sounded but there was no disapproval in Wanda face she understood and pulled you into a tight hug telling you it was alright, her soft voice soothing your negative thoughts clouding your head
"I'm sure there's a reason okay" she had her hands on your shoulders and was looking you in the eyes "you are the most beautiful girl i know and he does too okay?" she still didn't deny that he liked you even after all this. You nodded and wiped your tears and she gave you the cotton candy she promised, you guys watched tv eating sugary candy for breakfast.

It was the afternoon and you and peter studying for a report you guys had when you saw Loki walk in the living room you quickly turned your head not wanting him to talk to you, maybe he was mad at you or you said something wrong you were staring to spiral in your thoughts again when he said your name standing above you "y/n may i speak to you for a moment?"
"we're studying for a report" peter chimed in, he didn't like that he made you cry if he liked you or not
"it'll only be for a second y/n" he really wanted to speak with you
you complied and went with him to the hall
"I'm sorry if I made you feel any way it truly wasn't my intention" he apologized and you simply nodded, he wanted you to talk to him "I was meaning to tell you something..." your eyes lit up with curiosity which made him feel better "let me put it this way" he conjured up some flowers that were beautiful seeming he didn't even know your favorite kind "I have these feelings for you i've never had for anyone else" he was blushing, even with the big bouquet of flowers he was covered by you could still tell "And i'm sorry if i have been distancing myself from you,it is only my fault none of yours" you were lost for words and he was so good with them
"I should of told you from the start" it was quiet for a moment
"I like you too Loki" you said your heart skipping a beat you couldn't believe you had just told him you thought this moment would never come and here you were confessing your feelings to the god of mischief and him feeling the same about you. He smiled and you put your flowers by your side not knowing what to do with them he made them disappear only leaving one and putting it in your hair and taking your hand "I would like to take you on a evening out is that alright?" you nodded face hot from how hard you were blushing he applied a kiss to your hand and you went back to sit with peter while  he was going to prepare for your night. You and Loki together at last

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2021 ⏰

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