Like Black And White

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You saw it. You saw it with your own two eyes. It was beautiful yet it hurt to look at, it was withing your reach yet you couldn't touch it, it was invisible to the naked eye yet you saw it. You just wanted to hold it, hold it thight and never let go ever again. But what was it again? You just couldn't get your finger around it. What was its name? What did it look like? Did you already forget about it?

You heard a loud noise, painful to the ear. Explosion. You looked behind you, and your home, Mondstadt was on fire. How could this happen? You quickly turned your head back to look at the thing, but the minute you turned your head back, it was gone. It was gone, and it might never come back ever again...


You suddenly woke up. The images you saw were still fresh in your brain, and you were gasping for air. It was a really big shock seeing your hometown burn down.

"A silhouette..." you mumbled. As the words came to your mouth, you suddenly remembered the first part of your dream.

"A silhouette!" you said, now more confidently. Because what you saw in your dream, was indeed, a silhouette. But the memory of it faded, and you couldn't remember what it looked like. The only thing you remembered was that it looked like a boy's silhouette. A young boy's silhouette.

You looked at the time, and realized you had to go. It was already past 8 a.m., and you were running late. You quickly put on your most common outfit which was also your favourite, and dashed out of the comforts of your room. Your goal was the cathedral.

As you were running up the stairs to the cathedral, someone bumped into you, and you fell. Lucky for you, it was not a long fall since you only started going upstairs. But you still hit your arm, and if it wasn't enough, the person who bumped into you fell ontop of you.

"I-I am sorry, are you okay?" the stranger asked. He quickly stood up and gave you a helping hand. He had white, messy hair with green orbs. He had bandages all over his body, he even had one on his nose. Judging by his clothing, he was an adventurer. An unlucky one, that is.

"Thank you, I am fine. Are you hurt anywhere?" you grabbed his hand and he helped you stand up. The boy looked into your E/C orbs, and you looked back into his green ones. You couldn't help but smile, but you didn't know why.

"I hurt my knees a little, but that's all. Thank you for your concern" the boy smiled at you. He had a warm, cute smile. It was quiet childish." N-now I must go, sorry again. See you!" he waved you goodbye, and you waved back. You couldn't help but chuckle a little, since he bumped into a bush on his way down. He probably didn't notice.

You continued your way up to the place you had to go to, where Barbara was waiting for you with a scolding. You actually didn't wanna hear it, but since you had work to do, you had to go.

After you were done helping at the cathedral, you went to good hunter. You really craved some sticky honey roast. By the thought of the food, you couldn't help but think of Paimon, the honorary knight's companion. She was the one that always wanted to eat, and that's how you actually run into her and Aether at the restaurant.

"Y/N, hi! Did you come here to eat too?" the little floating girl asked. Her unbearably high, ear killing voice was hard to unnotice.

"Yeah, I was just thinking of grabbing some sticky honey roast. What about you guys?" you asked them.

"Paimon was also thinking about eating that! Let's eat together!" the girl said cheerfully, and you couldn't help but roll your eyes around. Aether sighed heavily, and went after his companion. You also followed after them.

There was a 50% discount on sticky honey roast just for today. You were really lucky, after all. Ridiculously lucky. Because if the discount wasn't enough, the wind blowed a coupon into your face.

"What the?" you asked, but you actually weren't surprised. This happens to you all the time, only the accident this morning was unusual for you. You have never bumped into anyone nor injured yourself by something like that. You would normally get past the person, or in the worst case you would fall on the person. But today was the other way around. How could this happen?

The time the sticky honey roast got ready you were drooling over the table. So was Paimon. Only Aether was able to maintain his normal self. Although the famous adventurer looked really tired, not tired like exhausted, but of Paimon's non stop talking about nonsense, he was happy they finally stopped to eat. At least Paimon would shut up for a few minutes while she's eating.

"So how was your day?" the blonde boy asked, while eating some chicken mushroom skewers.

"It was fine, I guess." you replied with a bored tone, still some food in your mouth. - How about you guys? Done any new assignments?

"Yeah, we went on an adventure with Bennett." Aether replied. The name Bennett didn't ring a bell to you. Was he an adventurer from liyue? Or was he a local he never heard about?

"Who is Bennett?" you asked. You really wanted to know who was this person that went on an adventure with the honorary knight himself. It's not like he goes on an adventure with anyone.

"Oh, he is an adventurer too. He has white hair, green eyes, about my age and height." answered Aether. By the description of this fellow named Bennett, you thought about the guy you bumped into this morning.

"Also, he's very unlucky! Like, very, very, very unlucky. Paimon has never seen as an unfortunate person as him!" added Paimon. Although, both of you wish she didn't. "Oh, Y/N, you still wanna eat that?" asked the girl once more. Although you really wanted to finish your meal, you thought it was a better idea to give it to her, since that way, she'll shut up.

While you were talking with Aether, and Paimon was eating, something caught your eye. You were looking towards the general goods shop, when someone went there. That someone was the white haired guy with bandages, also known as Bennett. He must have wanted to buy something, but judging by his dissapointed expression, what he wanted to buy was probably something that the shop didn't have. He then turned around and noticed the three of you sitting together.

"Aether! Paimon! It's good to see you guys!" he started coming our way. Do they know each other? This question kept appearing inside your head. If so, how?

"Hey Bennett, how are you doing?" asked Aether. Bennett? HE was Bennett? The one they went on an adventure with?

"Oh, Y/N, let me introduce you to Bennett. Y/N, this is Bennett, Bennett this is Y/N."

Your eyes bacame wide open, so did his. He was the guy you bumped into on your way to the cathedral this morning. It was him. You didn't think you two would meet again.

"Hello, it's nice to meet you Y/N" the boy smiled gently. You smiled back at him.

"It's nice to meet you too, Bennett. I didn't think we would run into each other again, nor this early." you said. The boy chuckled.

"You two know each other?" Paimon asked, rather surprised.

"Long story short, I was on my way to meet you, when I bumped into her on the stairs. Which, I am sorry for once again.." said the boy, scratching his head. The poor boy had really bad luck, but this accident was actually surprising for him, too. Whenever he bumps into someone, the person he bumped into would fall on him, resulting in bigger injuries, or only he would fall, normally down the stairs. But it was different. He barely injured himself, nor anyone fell on him. It was... lucky.

"Soooooo, are we gonna do something or just wait here? Paimon is boooreeed." said the floating little girl, making you want to slap her.

"Yeah, sure, we can just go to Katheryn. I actually have some business with her." you answered. You had to give a piece of paper to the said woman. A very important paper. You didn't actually know what was written in it, but you knew it was important, since Jean herself told you to give it to Katheryn.

The four of you stood up from your places and went to pay. That's when you noticed the weather was about to change very quickly. And not in a good way....

~My Lucky Charm~ Bennett x reader Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang