In mourning

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Stiles POV:
Mourning: the expression of sorrow for someone's death

That was all stiles could think about while watching his father being dropped into the ground

Stiles wasn't sure how he would recover from this seeing his dad being layed in the ground

All he wanted to do was curl up into a little ball and die but life wouldn't be that nice to him it just had to make him suffer

He was so deep in thought that he hadn't realised the women approaching him

"Stiles.....Stiles" the women said

When stiles snapped out of his daise he realised it was Mrs McCall who was saying his name

All he could muster up to say was "yes" which then she asked "sweetie are you ok you seem out?" Clearly he was he just witnessed his dad being buried next to his also dead mother.

"Sorry" was what he said, Mrs McCall then asked "Stiles it's time to go home do you think you can go by yourself?"

Stiles answer by saying "I'll be fine to go by myself" which she replied with "Are you sure you could come back with me I'll tell Scott to sleep on the sofa"

Stiles was getting tired of the conversation and wanted to just go home which then her said "It's fine I'll be ok thanks for offering though " he just gave a weak short smiles and started to disappear to his keep.

Stiles wasn't sure he would be able to manage but he wanted to get home first then figure out

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