~Chapter one~ The Life of Addison Stilinski~

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~Hi guys I'm Addison,When I was born,My mother passed away,I didnt know her very good,All I know is stories about her from my brother,Stiles,And my dad,When I was 1,My brother and my dad got in a big fight,It was something about Stiles's bad grades or whatever,When I was 6,I broke my foot,I remember seeing Stiles running over to me and falling,Even though I was in pain,I was still happy and laughing/smiling,When I was about 10 years old,I got my first bad report card,I was grounded for 5 months,Do you believe that? My own dad grounded me,But Its ok cause I guess I deserved it,Now Im 14,Yeah I know I'm getting old,But it doesnt matter cause I still have a whole life ahead of me,Im in the same highschool as my brother,He's 2 years older than me and always protects me,Like Im old enough to protect myself but He still protects me,My dad is always working now and days,He comes home late tired,And goes to bed,Its sad to see him stressed out but I mean I cant do anything,I'm to young to get a job or a car or money,I try my best to help him,But he never lets me,I tried enough,And Here I am,Im still trying to help him,My brother is always acting sus,Like hes always out with friends,Always putting new stuff on his board in his room,And I dont even know what it is,But I mean its life,Thats all I have for today!

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