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Chibs had made the club throw you a huge party for your birthday last night, this party topped the charts on the biggest SAMCRO party yet. It made you smile knowing that it was for you, but you frowned at the enormous hangover you now had. You don't exactly remember how you got home but that's where you woke up.

Forcing yourself out of the bed you headed right for the aspirin in the bathroom medicine cabinet.
Popping a few in your mouth you swallowed them before taking a gulp of water from the sink to wash them down.

Knowing that they would start working within the hour you headed into the kitchen where you found your boyfriend of 2 years seated at the kitchen table with the laptop in front of him focused on something.

"Morning doll" he said taking his eyes off the screen briefly,
"Morning, what are you so focused on over there?" You questioned him as you poured the coffee into a mug.
"I was thinking a Spring Wedding or maybe fall, I don't want it to be too cold" he told you as he stood from the chair and headed towards the coffee pot to refill his mug.
"Uhm, babe we aren't even engaged" You told him as your raised your left hand showing that your left hand was ringless.
The sight of panic spread across his face, he frantically reached for his pocket,
"Eyyy, shit that's what I forgot to do" He said as disappointment crossed his face,
"Ahh, shit might as well" he said before reaching into his pocket as he kneeled down onto his right knee.
"(Y/N), this isn't how I wanted to do this, but would ye do me tha honor of becoming my wife?" He said trying to stay calm, which he was failing at.
"Of course you big goof" You smiled, as he pulled out the ring and placed it onto your once ringless finger.

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