19 Years Later

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AN- I do not own Harry Potter (obviously.) This is what I think should have happened in the epilogue of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. It is not and probably will not be edited, so try and read over any grammar/spelling mistakes. It is also written in first person perspective from Harry's son.

We arrive at the station. Dad's got to apperate to Hogwarts soon, but he told Professor McGonagall that he'd be late because he wanted to see his son off. Me
Teddy is here too. Partially to see me off, but mostly to see his girlfriend Victoire. In the car, he was transforming into random things to calm my nerves. It varied from the head of a horse, to the nose of a dolphin. As soon as we saw the wall, I was nervous again. A million worries ran through my head. What if I don't make any friends? What if I fail all my essays? What if I get kicked out? What if people think I'm not good enough to be Harry Potter's son? People will be surprised to see me. Dad's kept both me and Teddy out of the spotlight that he gets from being "The Boy Who Lived." He brought us up half in the muggle world, and half in the Wizarding world. We both went to the same muggle primary in a small city just north of London. He gave us the best childhood we could've dreamed of, even though we're not really his. Teddy is his godson, his parents died in the Batlle of Hogwarts, Dad makes sure that those who died live on in memories and stories, and I never new my biological parents. I was abandoned at a Wizarding orphanage run by Molly Weasley as a baby and at the age of three, was adopted by him. He took care of me despite the fact he didn't finish teaching until 4:30. I did an after school club for those whose parents couldn't pick them up when school finished because they had work.

Teddy runs through the gateway first. Then, Dad grabs onto my trolley and together we push it through the wall. Suddenly, we're on the bustling Platform 9¾. We soon see Aunt Hermione and Uncle Ron with their daughter Rose. We went to primary together and have been friends since birth. Behind them are Dean and Seamus. Their daughter Niamh is in the same year as us and we're relatively good friends. Niamh, Rosa and I start talk about Hogwarts and what we've been up to. I haven't spoken to Niamh in ages, because she and her dads live in Ireland. I think Dad and his friends are talk about how grown up we are or something. That's what they talk about, as well as how similar we are to them. Teddy has already gone off to find Victoire. I can feel eyes looking at us. Honestly, Moldy Voldy's been dead for years now, move on! The train whistled, signalling 10 minutes to departure. I turned around and hugged Dad, even though I knew I'd see him soon. In the embrace I whispered to him, "What if..." but he quickly cut me off. "No what ifs bud, okay? What ifs aren't good for anybody."
We break apart and I smiled at him, before turning around to see my blue haired brother standing there. "Bye kiddo," Teddy told me, pulling me into a hug. "Bye. I'll see you at Christmas."
"Until Christmas."
I let go, and run into the train with the two girls. We find ourselves a carriage before looking out the window and waved at our parents. They all waved back, before my Dad apperated away. Soon the train pulled out of the station and we set off on our adventure.

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