First Priority

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I'm in 2nd grade and I'm in class and standing in a corner waiting to get an assighned seat, and all the kids are staring at me whispering to eachother "What monster do you think he is" "He dosen't look like much". I look at the teacher and she is some human shark and she has sharp teeth and rows that go half way into her mouth everything else on her looks pretty normal. She claps three times and the class goes quiet, then her loud voice breaks the silence and she says, "Okay kids settle down, now we have a new student and his name is Alexander, oh and I'm Ms.Razor by the way," she points at me and I walk towords her, she kneels down and tells me, "Now introduce yourself, c'mon don't be shy, and don't forget to tell them what monster you are," I swallow my pride and I speak as calm as I can and I say, "H-Hi my name is A-Alex and I'm new here I am seven years old and I am uhhh."

I feel a shiver down my back and I think to myself What monster looks very human.... uhhh-oh i got it i hope this works I continue and say "And I'm a hulk" the class is dead with silence and there eyes start scaning me and I'm thinking I hope hulk is an actual monster, if not im dead. The class stands up and they surround me, for a moment the class is dead with silence and my heart skips a beat. All the kids faces just start lighting up with smiles and then I hear "Whoa I thought hulks were just legends, is it true that when your mad you turn green," and I hear a whole bunch of questions overlapping eachother.

Okay it looks like Hulk actually exists, kinda scary but cool, I'm sitting in my new seat in a table with three other kids, two girls and one guy. He spoke to me with a calm, smooth voice and said to me with a smile "Finally the table now is evened out, oh I'm Angel by the way" he had white hair and these beautiful wings made of feathers that would just slowly wave back and forth.

The two girls in front of me were twins and they both had long straight dark brown hair, there eyes color was different however one was blue eyes the other was red, "Hi were the ghost twins" they told me almost simultaneously. "I'm Sabrina Phantom" the one with blue eyes said, "And I'm Samantha Phantom" the one with red eyes said, Wow they actually look normal I said to myself, after class we went outside to have recess and the first thing I see is like twenty kids flying around trowing a ball around.

I looked at the teacher and said "Ms.Razor why are we playing outside were the humans can see, won't they freak out?" she looked at me with a smile and said, "Oh thats right your so young you probably don't know, you see there is a spell that has been protecting us for centuries that makes the us monsters look normal, so the ones flying to the human eye there on the floor playing with the ball." My heart stopped and I was processing what she said to me, I looked at all the kids and I saw them as monsters If I can see the monsters, then am I a monster too?

The thought kept running through my mind going deeper into my thoughts. I felt a tap on my shoulder and I looked to see who it was, it was the kid who asked me "Whoa I thought hulks were just legends, is it true that when your mad you turn green," he had really spiky hair and sharp nails "Hi I'm Diego Thorn, let me be your first friend here," he said to me. Well I'll have to check that off my list, now my second priority.... what am I?

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