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Black. Darkness. Whatever other word there is for dark. And all in-between, was a streak of light. I never knew how long past. After Dutch and Micah leaving me for dead. The only concept of time is how large the streak was. I just hoped I wasn't a rotting corpse by the time it covered my vision.

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after the white light covered my eyes, I felt a burning sensation on my skin, my throat felt full and strained.
The clouds covering my eyes finally cleared, a bright sky. I quickly turned, no matter how much pain I felt. I began coughing down into the floor. Pain.

Like all of my organs were crawling out of me, it hurt like a bitch.

After my coughing attack, I felt strangely better. I flipped back around, taking a second to catch my breath.

"Augh... I feel like hammered shit.."

Flipping back onto my stomach once again, I began to slowly crawl toward my revolver, after getting a good grip, I shoved it into my holster.

Continuing my crawl, I found and grabbed the top of my hat.

Using a nearby rock to stable myself, my head pounding.

Putting the hat on my head, looking up at the mount I was stabled upon.


The game loaded in, I could see my cash, minimap, etc.

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I stumbled down the mountain, I only had a couple of bruises.

I took a Litchfield from a deceased Pinkerton, continuing my trek.

Stopping to catch my breath, I whistle for my horse.

Oh yeah. She was shot.

I walked through the forest, ended up finding where we left. Where we were betrayed.

I walked up to the horses left there, searching around for a saddle.

Thank fuck I found one, I stabled it onto some white horse.

I patted the horse before climbing aboard, then we take off.



Legends may die...

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2021 ⏰

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