Mischievous Mission

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It had been exactly thirty days since you had met him, and each day it became harder to be in the same room as him.

It wasn't that you hated Loki; it was just that you didn't exactly care for the god's arrogance, broodiness, sarcasm, handsomeness...okay, everything about him was driving you to the brink of pure insanity.

You had been training with the Avengers for the past year ever since Wanda had discovered you stranded on an island off the coast of Greece.

A mission within a mission, she had teased.

Your powers had drawn her to you, pleading for someone to help you. Ever since your rescue, you had been repaying her favor by fighting alongside the rest of her team of superheroes. A purpose which, before you had joined, you had deemed to simply be an excuse for Tony Stark to play iron god in the sky.

Wanda had become your closest confidant and mentor, training you daily on how to perfect your magical abilities. Though they weren't nearly as strong as her own, you hoped to one day fight at her side and make the Scarlet Witch proud to have taken a chance on the lonely girl that she found on the crusted rock by the bay.

Your time at the compound had been picture-perfect until the God of Thunder returned to the base with his brother, Loki, after an extended mission in the cosmos.

Once Loki had discovered that another sorceress was present in the compound, he made it his mischievous mission to mess you up in all ways possible, using his powers to manipulate you during training, out in the field, and even in the kitchen when you were trying to prepare dinner.

At first, you loathed the prince. Of course, you had known who he was: the crazed Asgardian god who played a failure of a pawn on behalf of the Mad Titan in New York all those years ago. You had even felt compassion for his manipulation, but, upon meeting him, his arrogance and dirty way of playing made you utterly exhausted and angered. The fact that he was positively beautiful did nothing to help your aggravation.

Then came that one fateful evening in the training den in which Wanda insisted that Loki push your buttons to see if you had any of his powers.

"It's quite cute of you to think that a simple power blast could knock me down," he smirked at you, the both of you walking in circles around one another on top of a black mat, your hands drawn as weapons at one another.

"It's also quite cute of you to underestimate the power that grows within in me," you snapped, shooting an electric current with your right hand.

The god chuckled darkly, using his green seidr to lasso the current and reflect it back onto you. You fell onto your back with a thump as Loki straddled your waist, his hand grabbing both of your wrists and pinning them above your head.

You looked up and gasped as his blue eyes pierced into your own, his raven locks framing his pale face in a way that made your heart skip a beat. Your chest heaved into the man's face as you attempted to regain your breath.

With a lick of his lips, the man's eyes glanced down at your breasts before looking back to your gaze. He narrowed his eyes, whispering huskily, "Rule of thumb, pet. Never lose sight of the enemy. Even if he's as attractive as the one you're currently up against."

Your hatred for him disappeared after that day, the bile that once rose in your throat in anger quickly being replaced by the sensation of butterflies in your stomach upon seeing him.

Loki knew all too well the affect that he had on you. After the duel in the training den, his flirtations became more frequent and daring, as well as the need to brush past you or simply touch your skin.

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