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Harry had just left the blonde haired boy alone in madame Malkin's shop he felt a tingling sensation all over his boy but thought nothing of it as he started to head back to privet drive with Hagrid

Harry was nervous as he ran into the barrier between platforms nine and ten the twins helped him get his stuff on the train and soon enough he was off the red haired boy across from him introduced himself as Ron Weasley when Harry introduced himself to the other the other gasped and asked to see his scar Harry held up his fringe Ron looked at him in confusion "you don't have a scar there, well if you are the Harry Potter then at least it means you won't have everyone chasing after you" at that moment the boy from the shop came in with two people beside him

"I heard Harry Potter was here I had to check for myself I'm Malfoy, Draco Malfoy and these are my friends Crabbe and Goyle" Draco glares at Ron as he hears him snicker "no guessing who you are red hair and hand me down robs, must be a Weasley" Harry glares and rejects when Draco offers his friendship later a brunette walks in asking about a toad she leaves a few minutes later and Ron's vibrant freckles start to vanish.

As the year progressed little things started changing about Harry and Ron the latter had started slowly shrinking while the other had started shot up a couple inches over night Harry's hair had started to grow out a little while Ron's grew down to his shoulders

When the two returned the next year their hair colors had changed from their respective black and red to blonde and brown they had to get Hermione in to help them figure out what was going on when they found nothing they decided to look for answers during the holidays

"He's dead! The great Harry potter is dead, come Draco come join me" Lucius and Nacissa both looked at their son regretfully as lord Voldemort beckoned the once again blonde haired child to join him Draco shakily took a breath as he felt a warm presence surround him making him smirk "no because I only joined you because I had no choice I have a choice now whether you knew it or not i was never on your side and toure not going to win because your wrong" emerald green wisps of magic held all death eaters except nacissa and Lucius in place as Harry rolled out if Hagrid's hands "you owe me for making me think you were dead love" Harry kisses the cheek of Draco with a smile "of course but later" his own grey magic protected those behind him as he and his partner strode up to Voldemort they ended him with aquamente

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2021 ⏰

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