Ciao, mi chiamo Feb!

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Ciao, mi chiamo Feb! Which basically means Hello, My Name is Feb. Hey Guys! So yes this is one of the those best books in wattpad or my library or something like that book here in wattpad. But I like to keep things new, unique, and original so I decided to call this one La Mia Athenaeum which means My Library, la mia being in italian and also my for the female form and athenaeum is another english word for library.

So yes I will be posting books here which I think is a definite must read and also stories that hasn't been ready by many. 

Thank you so much for wasting your time reading this. Hahaha.

Buongiorno, Buon pomeriggio., Buonasera., Wherever you are. Have a good day!

(and if your wondering what that meant it was good morning, good afternoon, and good evening in italian *wink* *wink*) 

Arrivederci, A presto! People! :)

ps. it meant Goodbye, see you later *wink* *wink*

La Mia Athenaeum Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang