Chapter 1

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So what if there was a particular episode where Logan was just completely ignored and he just felt unwanted and not needed. Just wanting to duck out but knowing he couldn't without it hurting Thomas. What he can do though is starve himself and overwork himself. It won't do anything to his host but it'd help. Maybe. It doesn't. He just wants to be noticed and wanted but he doesn't wanna bother his two bfs. His line of thinking not the greatest and not logical at all and he keeps trying to force himself out of it but it doesn't work. He then thinks of a way to give them pure logic that will only give advice when wanted. A robot. No emotions clouding logical reasoning. No being interrupted. Nothing. Of course Logan couldn't duck out still but maybe it would help the others. Remus and Janus still had each other after all. He hadn't heard anything from them anyway. They might've been busy. He physically creates it just so someone can stop him. He doesn't want to be proven right that they'd prefer this. Tears slipping without his knowledge as he works on it. By the time the hammer hits that last peice in he's numb. He can't cry anymore. No one has come by at all. It hurts but he understands. A heavy exhale at it. The robot looks like him, feels like him, but isn't him. Time to test it. He let the robot out of his room. The movement was like he would. He nodded slightly as it left. Leaving the door cracked to hear everything.

The robot hadn't visited Remus or Janus but they had come for famILY bonding time and noticed L0g4n on the couch. Remus immediately knew something was up. Usually Logan would look over at them when there was noise and give a little bit of a smile that he tried to hide around the others but he was just so fond of them he couldn't help it. Remus sat on one side of L0g4n while Janus sat on the other. Usually Janus was a bit cold even with the capes and extra layers so he would cuddle up to Logan (denying it to the others if they tried to bring it up) but this one was cold. "Are you alright Logan?"

"Yes. I am functioning at optimal level."

Remus and Janus look at each other with *that* look. Remus punching the robot (not knowing it hurts Lo too) causing an outcry from Patton. The robot obviously doesn't react. Janus getting up and heading to Logan's room while Remus deals with that. Logan was doubled over at his desk with an arm over his stomach in pain. Having felt the punch and it didn't help the pain of not eating. He was cold but he had work to do and he had to check on the robots levels. Then he can curl up and try and sleep again. It was difficult without his partners and he never slept well, well not anymore. Why hadn't they noticed he stopped going to them? When the robot took over being Logic he'd dissappear. Not that he minded right now. There was a loud knock on the door but he couldn't answer. Just didn't have the strength to anymore. He didn't want anyone to see him. Especially like this. Too late anyway.

Janus storming into his room, opening his mouth to scold before seeing Logan's state and the look given. A look of slight fear, still so much love, pain, and slight relief. He looked so cold which would put Janus to sleep if too cold but his bf needed him. Janus popping in some soup and moving to help Logan sit up. A difficult task with him in that much pain. He wouldn't stay up. Janus sighed heavily and looked over at the door before summoning Remus. Who popped in and automatically opened his mouth to say something that Janus silenced him for. Remus looked bewildered but looked over and realized. Remus becoming more and more angry at someone. Who? He didn't know but he wanted to hurt everyone that caused this. He understood what Janus needed him to do and he helped hold Logan to sit up. Gently kissing his cheek that Logan leaned into. It had been a little while since he had any affection. It felt nice. Janus moved to feed him just a little bit. Too much would cause Logan to throw up and he really needed something on his stomach. Too little would make this worse. He had to be careful. Finally they got through the bowl. Janus nodding to Remus who picked up Logan who squeaked in surprise. Them going over to Logan's bed and setting him down before cuddling with him. Warming him and definitely making him feel loved.

"Why did you do that?"
He didn't answer but the answer was obvious causing Janus to sigh, "we do love you Logan and we missed you."
"Yeah! Missed talking about-"
"Not going there Remus. But we did miss you so much," Janus gently kissed his temple.
"Mhm!" Remus wasn't as sweet or didn't seem so but to Logan it was. He knew the chaotic trash man and knew that sloppy neck kisses can be his way of affection. Logan relaxed against his bfs, letting them be affectionate and continue to praise and reassure him as he drifted off to sleep.

Logan Not L0g4n (Intruloceit) {Complete}Where stories live. Discover now