2075 the dog

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In 2075, Charles said to Linda we need some in this family to cheer it up. What do you mean this is the perfect family Charles I will have no animal in this family. Mom said George this is so boring you won't let me play out because I might get raped your so over protective. I don't care George go and do something. Dad said George will you take me and Ella and Jon to the shop because we have been super good and We have pass all our exams. Ok let's go to the shop you get £5:00 each or you could save for a rainy day. No let's go now said George and Jon. How dare you speak to me like that I'll just be taking Ella to the shop now. Let's go darling Ella are you coming. Yes father can I just have 30 seconds just to put my brand new jacket on.
30 seconds had when pass are you ready? Yes coming.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2021 ⏰

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