CH1: introductions.

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I am Quinn Goodluck. Yes that is her actual last name; has the worst luck ever. However she refuses to let that get in her way, and has devised ways to force her misfortune to work in her favor. But there's a catch there's only about a 10% chance it will work out of 100 and its best to keep it limited to small things. She is infamous for reeking havoc where ever she goes. All she has to do is threaten to come down if her pizza order is wrong, she always gets the right order and maybe free bread sticks.

Quinn was running home from the late shift at work to catch the last bus of the night. Her house was 8 miles from her job and she had school in the morning. Cutting threw her usual ally running like mad, she bolted as the minutes clocked down.

She looked at her watch to see how much time was left when she suddenly hurled to the ground 'gracefully' smacking her face and busting her lip on the asphalt.
"Owowowowow" she said as she hurriedly got up and dusted herself off looking back to see her attacker.

What she saw caused her to stop dead and freeze in fear. It was a man, Unconscious his face was mutilated, he was laying in a huge pool of bright red blood, his expensive looking business suit was torn to shreds, and he had giant cuts all over. Not even concerned if he was alive or dead she called 911.

At the hospital the Doctors asked her thousands of questions none of which she could answer. She had only learned his name was Clark Volkam by the E.M.T going threw his wallet and was forced to go because she called it in. After hours of talking to cops, Doctors, nurses, and being forced to wait in the intensive care lobby. It was three in the morning when she was told she could finally see him.

As she stood by his bed she analyzed how swollen and bruised, his stitch covered face was. If he didn't look like an eggplant he might have been attractive. Quinn sat in a chair next to the bed comfortably leaned on the edge with her hands under her chin and began to talk absent mindedly talk to the unconscious man.

"So your names Clark huh"? She looked at him like expecting an answer. "You know it is your fault i missed my bus, and busted my lip. Well, not really that's just the luck i have really". As she continued to absent mindedly talk on and on. A enormous dark figure looked in the door way and silently stalked up behind her. A deep shrill loud voice ringed and echoed in her ears causing her to fall to the floor.
"My BABY! Oh just look~ at what's happened to you." He spoke almost too fast to understand. His voice now winy, pouting and a little angry. "I should have never let you go alone. That's it- i should have never left you alone. It is all me fault~." He had brown super curly hair and wore a pastel pink suit with a white cravat this man was so flamobieltly sparkely flaming fabulous. It broke the laws of nature how he had a kid.

He quickly turned from his unconsous son to Quinn who was staring up at him open mouthed from the floor. He still spoke histericly and animated as he pulled her from the ground. "You! Are you the girl who saved my baby?!" Quinn was still dumfounded at the flaming man but managed to speak. "Y-Yes. I'm sorry-"

She was cut off by the huge man engulfing her in a suffocating hug as he burrowed his face into her shoulder, covering it in soaking tears and snot. "Oh thank you. Thank you so much for saving him. how can i ever repay you."

After he set her down his face was a dirty mess, she pulled her black work bandanna out of her pocket and handed it to him. "Hear, Mr." He greatfuly accepted. "Daniel, Danny Volkam." he said wiping off his face. "Daniel think we should talk outside. We don't want to make your son any worse."

"Oh your quite right". and they left.

Quinn and Daniel talked for a few hours, she told him the whole story about finding him. He was your tipical overly doting, smothering, over proctitave daddy. That, and the huge scary looking bald guy with the tremnator glasses and scar was his boyfriend.

"Quinniecup you're such a sweetheart is there anything I can do to thank you for saving my baby boy?" Quinn let out a small 'ha' then looked at the wall.

"Unless you can get me a car and my job back. There's nothing much you can do. Daniel made a weird expression like he was trying to be scary, but it looked like a cat just farted so he looked more weird.

"Oh honey you have no idea who I am. Now you go on home and get some rest ill call you in a couple of days.

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