Chapter 1: Where Did The Party Go?

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Clara's POV

“Alice, I do not want to go to your stupid party.” I mumbled, glaring at the girl opposite me.  Alice Logan, my flatmate of 2 years, and also my best friend.  A short girl, about 5’3 which made her shorter than me by about 5 inches, with fiery hair to match her personality and curious bright green eyes. Her eyes glared back at me, as she crossed her arms indignantly. “Yes, you are, Clara! You’ll love it!” Alice insisted, thrusting a short baby blue party dress at me. “Wear this!” I sighed at the fabric in my arms. I always had hated dresses. I never had the figure to pull them off. Unfortunately, I didn't have Alice's hourglass figure. I pulled at the fabric of the dress and questioned,

“Why aren’t you forcing Ben to go?” Ben was Alice’s older brother, who currently lived in one of our spare rooms. Since Ben seemed incapable of finding a job, Alice had chosen to let him stay with us. He and his girlfriend, Jennifer tended to come and go, and I very rarely saw either of them. In fact, I reckoned that I'd only met Ben twice in the whole two years we'd lived in this flat. “Because he’s going out with his girlfriend. Please, Clara?” Alice begged, pouting at me. I put my head in my hands. “You really don’t understand no, do you?” I mumbled, running a hand through my hair. “Fine. I’ll come. But I am not wearing this thing.” I said, handing her back the blue fabric and entering my bedroom, which happened to be the room behind me. “YES!” Alice exclaimed loudly, which caused me to roll my eyes. I changed quickly into the first outfit I found in my wardrobe- a blue striped shirt and jeans. These were my smartest clothes, and the ones I felt the most comfortable in.

Approaching the small mirror in the corner of the room, I let out a sigh of annoyance. My hair had done it again. Despite the fact that I had brushed it a few hours ago, it had reverted back to its crazy state. Running a hand through it, my eyes studied the dusty make-up boxes Alice had given me as a Christmas present when we were 18, which were currently cluttering up my bedside table. I don't think I'd ever even opened them. I was a slightly boring person in that regard. I'd rather stay indoors with a cup of tea and a book than go out partying with a full face of make-up. That's why it's so strange that Alice and I became friends. We were pretty much polar opposites in secondary school. We were our very own stereotypes. I was shy and nerdy, and she was pretty and loud. But, somehow our friendship was a walking contradiction.

  As my attention returned to Earth, I attempted to do something with my chaotic dark hair. But eventually, after a few minutes of thinking, I decided against it. My hair had never decided to be straight once in the 33 years I’d had it, so why should it suddenly decide to be straight now? I sighed at my dishevelled appearance. Was it possible to make myself look classy instead of looking like I’d crawled out of a hedge? Ruffling my hair, I adjusted my shirt once more and stepped into the corridor. Alice appeared within moments, fully dolled up. She wore the short blue dress I had rejected and a full face of make-up. If she wasn't my best friend, I would have been extremely jealous of her. She grinned at me encouragingly. “Let’s go then!” She announced, before adding, “Bye-Bye Ben! Don’t have too much fun!” The only response Alice got was a slight grunt from the room to our right. Alice let out a sigh of annoyance, before she skipped out the door. After quickly grabbing a jacket, I followed Alice slowly out the door, praying desperately that this party wouldn’t be like the last one when I got abandoned by Alice for 3 hours, and fell in the punch bowl because I couldn't walk in high heels.


The pair of us was greeted at the door of the offices, where the party was apparently being held for some strange reason, by a blonde man in a dark suit. “Alice!” He exclaimed, putting one arm around her. This caused me to raise an eyebrow curiously. Alice seemed fine with this guy touching her; who the hell was he? “Pleasure to see you!” The guy added, putting on a smile. Alice smiled back brightly, and I weakly waved.

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