The Bite-Chapter 14

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The bite-Chapter 14
Recap: 'Remus thought for a moment "I know love it's just that the full moon is coming up soon and I wanted us to relax before we have to go through hell" he said gently pouring some tea for Harry.'

Harry smiled as he and Remus walked to the castle. Remus's arm gently wrapped around Harry's shoulder. "Would you like to eat dinner with me in my office tonight Harry?" Lupin asked with a soft smile. Harry smiled and hugged him tightly "I'd love too" he mumbled into Remus's shoulder.

The older wolf smiled and hugged Harry again. Harry sighed and breathed in Remus's scent "can we do something after dinner?" Harry asked looking up at him with his puppy dog eyes.

Remus chuckled lightly. He then bent down and kissed Harry gently. "Maybe, how does evening tea sound then?" He asked smirking smugly. Harry then nodded while he blushed a deep red. "But still Harry you need to take your wolves-bane tonight, the new moon is in three days," the taller man said softly

Harry smiled softly and hugged Remus "evening tea sounds lovely and I know I'll remember if not Draco will practically shove it down my throat," Harry said grinning. This made Remus and pull Harry closer. "Yeah and so will I, you cheeky brat," he said jokingly

"Anyway love I gotta go grade papers and I'll pick you up around four for dinner okay?" Remus said as Harry nodded sadly.

~~~Line break~~~

Harry sighed as he looked at his transfiguration homework. He needed to go to the library. So he put everything in his bag and got up and headed to his designated destination. As he walked a seventh yeah Ravenclaw had started following him.

"Oi potter, what you doing out here all alone done hiding behind your band of snakes, ey?" He said this was Jayden Baker. He had been bullying Harry recently although no one knew. The raven-haired boy scowled.

"No, I'm just going to the library Baker," Harry seethed through his teeth. "Oooh better watch your tone there Potter wouldn't want people wondering where the black eye came from do you?" he asked smugly.

Harry rolled his eyes. He didn't have time. This made Jayden furious, so he ran up behind Harry as he shoved him rather hard. The smaller boy groaned as he held his head. "Fuck off Baker what do you even want?" Harry asked angrily.

"To remind you that your still pathetic Potter, got that?" Jayden said with a dangerous smirk as he walked off. Harry got up and brushed himself off and went to the library, his mood turned sour.

It had been at most two hours in the library. Harry hadn't been able to do what he came to do. Which means he didn't get his transfiguration homework done. So now he was packing up; very angrily actually. Just as he was about to exit he saw Remus walk in.

"Hey Remus" Harry stated blandly trying to sound like he wasn't mad but failed and he could tell by Remus's facial expression "is everything alright love?" He asked softly as he took Harry's hand into his.

Harry just rubbed the back of his neck trying to downplay it. "Oh it was nothing just some annoying seventh year trying to get under my skin" he stammered trying not to worry Remus.

The caramel-haired man just sighed "are you absolutely sure I don't need to give a very strongly worded conversation with someone?" He asked with a raised eyebrow. Harry smiled but nodded "I'm sure now let's get on to that tea you promised okay" Harry murmured as he took Remus's hand.

He nodded "alright c'mon," Lupin said as he gently led Harry to his office.

~~~Line break~~~

Tea and dinner were really nice but sadly with all things in Harry Potter's life nothing good could last for long. He and Remus both stopped upon hearing two sets of footsteps behind them. It must be his lucky day (insert sarcasm here if you please) it was Ronald Weasley and Jayden Baker. 'This will be fun' he thought bitterly.

"May I help you, boys?" Remus asked calmly. They just rolled their eyes "yeah, why don't you two freaks leave this school no one wants you here" The weasel said rather confidently for a Weasley but who was Harry to judge. Harry looked up at Remus, although Remus's cheerful smile had disappeared completely.

"Well, I believe just because we have lycanthropy doesn't mean we're freaks. Now run along please" he practically growled. 'I've never seen him like this. The color had drained from the boy's faces "y-yes sir" Jayden stuttered out.

Lupin smirked while they ran off. Harry hugged Remus tightly "I love you" he mumbled softly. Remus smiled and patted his back "and I love you too" Remus said "now, let's get you to the common room" Harry nodded softly with a yawn.

Quietly Harry stumbled into the common room and up to his dormitory. Once he reached his bed he instantly passed out. Not even caring to change into his night clothes. Soon morning came and Harry groaned. He did not like mornings.

But nevertheless Harry got up and did his morning routine. He then came downstairs to the common room where he saw all of his friends. 'Oh no this can't be good' he thought sarcastically. So he approached them carefully.

"Umm we are never all gathered together like this what happened?" He asked nervously. To which Draco turned around with a scowl.

"Why is there still a full bottle of wolvesbane on your bedside table?" He asked with crossed arms. Harry froze, that's what he had forgotten.

"I-I forgot to take it last night it was late when I came back from dinner with Remus that it had slipped my mind" Harry explained looking down at his feet. Draco just sighed and nodded.

"Well you know it's to late to take it now so just be careful you know—"

"My senses are heightened dramatically when it gets close to the full moon I know" Harry said rolling his eyes. "Can we just get to class now?" He asked getting bored of the lecture.

Draco rolled his eyes as he walked past Harry "c'mon we have defense next" he said walking past Harry. Harry sighed and walked out of the common room and into the hallway.

Soon they made it to defense and Harry was getting pretty agitated quickly with all the noise. It was so loud he couldn't even get think but nevertheless he went in and sat at his desk and got his textbooks out.

The day went by slowly for Harry everything was so loud and annoying, every little touch by people in the halls made him cringe. Overall it wasn't a good day.

So Harry was overjoyed when he finally got to collapse onto his bed. He had finally gotten comfortable but of course Draco had to ruin his peace.

"Hey Remus is here, says he needs to speak with you" he said. Harry groaned and rubbed his head. "Alright I'll be down in a moment" he mumbled as he got out of bed slowly.

In a few seconds he was in the common room where Remus was standing, arms crossed.

"Hey Remmy you need to talk?" Harry asked sweetly Remus just sighed.

"Come on let's go to my office" he said guiding Harry out of the room. Harry nodded softly.

Soon they reached his office and Remus lead Harry to the couch, where they shared their first kiss. Harry quickly looked away. "Harry why didn't you take your potion yesterday?" Remus asked gaining Harry's attention again. "Oh I was really tired last night and forgot" he mumbled.

Remus smiled and walked over to him placing soft kiss on his head.

"I hope you know Wednesday is gonna be a living hell"

A/N: sorry it took so long I lost some motivation but I'm back and it's continuing on. But legit how do you guys like it? Anyway till next time

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