The Temptation of Thanatos

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If an ideal person suddenly
appears before you, be careful..


August 15. Even though the sun has already set, there is hot and humid air around. From my body to go up the stairs of the apartment, sweat was spouting endlessy.

"Goodbye "
Her line had only that message. I quickly knew what that meant.

Despite the time of Obon, I was working , and after getting ready to go home, I hurried to the apartment where I lived .
Then I found her with hollow eyes standing on the roof of the apartment, outside the fence.

This is actually the fourth time I've seen her trying to commit suicide.

It is said that there are two kinds of people in this world.

Humans who are inclined towards life — governed by “Eros”;

And humans who are inclined towards death — governed by “Thanatos”.

Most people belong to the former, yet she was unmistakably of the latter kind.

That she was a human being governed by “Thanatos” was something I had known even before I began dating her.

After all, the reason for our first encounter was because I had tried to save her from attempting suicide on the roof of the apartment building, just like what was happening now.

She was a girl who had just moved into the same apartment building. With her round eyes and full lips, she possessed a lovely set of facial features yet had a delicate expression on her face. She stole my heart in an instant. Surely, it must have been love at first sight.

From that moment on, we chatted about various topics and became good friends very quickly. For me, who had been working at a black company2 and living my life in solitude, she was like an angel who had descended from the heavens.

Except, I had one doubt.

Each time she had planned to take her life, she would contact me without fail. And she would wait there until I arrived.

I thought it would be better to die alone without telling anyone, but perhaps, somewhere in her heart, she wished for me to stop her from committing suicide and help her, like I did the first time we had met. I simply took this as an explanation for her actions.

And that’s why I rushed up the stairs of the apartment building this time as well.

“Haa, haa…”

I reached the roof of the apartment building.

I found her standing on the opposite side of the fence, with her back towards me.


I jumped over the fence and took hold of her hand.

It was cold, contrary to the humid weather.

“Let go.”

Akin to the ringing of bells, her voice was fleeting and sweet. I loved her voice too.

“Why are you doing this…!”

“I want to die, quickly.”


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