chapter 1

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Beep beep! "uggg" I rolled over and pressed the "stop" button. "Another day of school. Good thing tomorrow is the weekend." I climb off the loft and get ready for the day, I threw on a white blouse and a light pink skirt with black leggings underneath. My hair in a ponytail, and flats on I grab an orange and run out the door.

"Hey Alya!" I greet my best friend and give her a piece of orange witch she puts in her bag for Trixx. "Hey girl!" Trixx waves at me from Alya's bag and I gave a small wave back. Tikki joins Trixx in Alya's bag as I head to the class room with my best friend. "So Marinette! I have a date with Nino tonight and was wondering of you could watch my sisters and Chris while we're out?"

"I would love to Alya but I have patrol tonight, sorry." Alya looks mad for a sec before nodding and sitting at our desk. "Well can you at least watch them for awhile until my big sis gets off work?" I nod and sketch for a bit before class starts.

After school ends i'm about to head out before rose come up to me. "Hey marinette!" the little blonde girl greets with her bubbly voice. "Hey rose, need something?" The girl beams at me. Prince Ali is coming over and I need to look amazing! Can you make me a dress?" I giggle at the girl's enthusiasm and nod. "Sure when do you need it by?" "Can you make it by tomorrow?" I think for a sec about what fabrics I have right now and about how much i would need. "It would be kinda stressed but I think I can manage. Next time ask me sooner though okey?" Rose nods then squeals and hugs me. "Oh thank you Marinette!" I pat her head and head off to Alya's to watch Ella, Etta, and Chris.

The walk to Alya's was peaceful and I was glad of that because it would be hard work when I got to Alya's. 

When the house came in sight I saw Alya and Nino waiting outside with the three beside them. When they saw me Alya looked relived and Nino grabbed her arm and dragged her off to their date while the three "little angels" ran up to me and pulled me inside.

"Marinette!" Ella and Etta yelled. "Hey guys how are you? "Good now that you're here! Alya and Nino are mean! They watched a movie and told us to stay in our room until you got here!" i frowned. Why would they do that, it's completely irresponsible to leave them like that. "well im sorry about them, now how about we play a game?" The three were excited and all agreed, even Chris who usually would complain about how "thats a kids game" and such. 

The evening went surprisingly well, all three behaved and I even had a pretty good time with the three. When Nora got back they all hugged me goodbye and cried a bit. Nora seemed shaken to see them behave like that but eventually got over it and went in the other room. After she left is when I got shaken.

"Please don't go!" Etta cried. "Yeah don't go!" The other two asked. I frowned, concerned for them. "what's going on?" I ask them, they look scared to tell before Chris broke. "We nominated you our new sibling and family! Ours are horrible!" I was confused and even more concerned. "I have to go but i'll be back soon enough okey?" The three were hesitant before nodding and giving me a hug. I then left and transformed for patrol, not able to shake how the three acted.

After my patrol I went home and started on Rose's dress, falling asleep while doing so.

The next morning I woke up, realizing the time I quickly got dressed in some black sweatpants and a baggy pink cat shirt and threw my hair in a messy bun before working on Rose's dress and quickly finishing it before slipping my flats on and rushing over to her house and giving her the dress.

While walking home I bummed into Alya who looked frantic. "Marinette there you ar-" I interrupt her, noticing something. "Alya, where is your miraculous?" She looked at me with guilt on her face. "I might of, kind of, lost it...." I felt my breathing stop. She lost it. The miraculous. The miraculous of the fox. Something master Fu trusted her to protect. "Y-you-you lost it?!"

Alya winced at my outburst. "Marinette, it's okey I was planning on finding it. I was just coming to find you to ask if I could have another while we look for it." I felt anger well up in my chest. How dare she lose a miraculous and them come saying it's okey. And asking for another too?!?! 

As if she sensed my anger, Alya backed away in fear and caution but kept going. "Marinette don't be selfish, if you lost Tikki you would use another to find her or save her!" "I'm not selfish! And i have the right to use another miraculous cause i'm the protector of the miraculous! So NO you will NOT use another miraculous, nor will you use one once I find the fox!"

Alya looked really mad at me, not scared or sad, just mad. She stomped away and i walked home to think and find out where the fox miraculous could be. 

All day I think about what Alya had said and realize she might be right. I would be angry if I wasn't aloud to use another miraculous to find Tikki. I don't even know how i could cope without my little friend, Tikki is one of the only reasons I get through the day, she helps me when i'm panicking and helps me find items I lose but need for school.

With Trixx and Alya in mind, I take out the Tiger miraculous and put it in my bag for at school to give to my friend so we could look for Trixx, together.

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