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Me and my twin sister were 5 years old when we were put into adoption. Both our parents had died and we had no knowledge of who they were. The only thing given to us were two books that seemed to have been locked.

For 6 years we've been in and out of homes. Either the parents were ruthless or they no longer wanted to care for us.

Fast forward 5 years later, me and sister are now free from the orphanage. We escaped the system feeling tired of having to keep getting thrown back and forth like a tennis ball.

It was hard at first. We barely had any clothes, our blankets were thin, and our bags were small. We had no money either.

We stayed in the woods.

The area that we had chose to make ours was safe.

At least from humans it was.

But there were hardly any dangerous animals that came along, and when they did we made sure to hide until they passed by.

We got lucky with the spot that we found. There was a small creek a few miles away, we were pretty far away from any types of cities or towns. There were tons of tress to hide in as well as build in.

We made a small tree house with the materials mother nature had provided to us.

We learned to hunt.

We even learned a little bit of agriculture.

We had our lives figured out for the time being.

When our 16th birthday came along something happened to us.

We felt a change within ourselves.

I remember it clearly.



"Nu... wake up!"

"Nooo" I groaned as I swatted the nagging hand away.

"Come on this is serious!"

I slowly opened my eyes closing them immediately when the small light of sunshine hit them.

I tried opening them again allowing my eyes to adjust to the light.

I looked up slightly to see my sister looking down at me with a worried expression on her face.

I started to feel concern rising within me.

"Veeda what's wrong?" I immediately started looking around to make sure there wasn't any threat.

"Nu my hands were glowing earlier!" She said with genuine fear in her voice.

I stopped looking around and looked up at her with a confused and annoyed expressions on my face.

I raised my eyebrow not believing what she was saying and turned over to go back to sleep.

"Veeda stop playing around, you know I don't like getting woken up out of my sleep if it isn't for an important situation"


My body jumped from the sudden and unfamiliar sound of what seemed to be my sister's voice.

It sounded nothing like her.

The voice that I heard was strong, loud, and sounded as if there were multiple people talking at the same time.

I immediately sat up and looked at my sister with wide eyes.

She was just as shocked as me.

She had her hands over her mouth bearing the same expression I had, except hers was more worrisome.

Tears started to form in her eyes.

She opened her mouth to speak and as she spoke the same loud multi-person voice came out.


I was in shock, I'm not usually the type to get scared but at this moment I was. Not for myself, but for my sister.

She's my entire world and if anything were to happen to her I don't know what I'd do.

I unconsciously started to back up. I didn't realize I was doing so until I felt my back touch the bark of the tree that supported our tree house.

I reached my hand out to my sister so I could comfort her.

As she was about to grab my hand we both started to see our hands glow.

I felt a tingling sensation in my hand.

I couldn't believe what was happening to me.... to us. She grabbed my hand and the tingling sensation turned into heat. It didn't hurt, but it wasn't comfortable.

We let go of each other's hands and just stared at each other in shock.

Tears were now streaming down my sisters face.

She kept repeating what is happening to us in that same weird voice.

It was all becoming to much for me.

My eyes started to become blurry.

The last thing I remember before passing out was Veeda looking at me with wide glowing white eyes telling me that my eyes were turning white.

Then, everything went dark.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2021 ⏰

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