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He snapped awake. He was unaware why, no dreams that he was aware of had touched his mind as he slept, nothing shook him. There was fear, something was present, but he had nothing to be afraid of. The castle was well protected, and assassins would not be able to get through, he was to important. Or so they thought.

"So many years you have claimed to see me." A godly, woman's voice sings to him. "So many years you lied to them." He closes his eyes. His breathing slows. She is present in the room. "So look to me. Face that which you have been claiming with some courage."

He lifted his chin. Varia. The crown atop her head matched the rest of her. Delicate, and devious. She wore nothing but silver ribbon like fabric draped about her body, twisted around her such as vines wrap around a tree, engulfing it so it looks beautiful, but is shadowed from the rays of the sun. Her fingers lightly grazed the blade of his given sword that sat in a case above his dresser.

"Second in line to the throne. A possible king. Tell me, was it worth risking everything. Was it worth his presence, to gain approval above your brother?" He squeezed his eyes again. He could not bare to look at her. It was not his place, no matter what he said. She was right.

"I, am a good man." A tear fell from his eye, but the rest of his face changed no emotion.

"Oh, I know. But all great men fall. Ironic? Who you choose. Out of all, the lady of betrayal. It is suiting. Instead of using our shared qualities for better such as I did, you used it to ruin a world. Let us only hope the first is still merciful to it's subjects after what you have done." She picked up the blade with two delicate fingers. It was light to her.

"I will choose for myself Edwin. Do not claim what is not yours." She swept across the room in a floating gesture, and plunged his own sword into his heart. Before leaving, she placed her crown at his breast. Not blooded by death, for he could not be affected by something he could not see. But by morning, the seven knew they were alone.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2015 ⏰

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