Saved Not Ruined

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Raavi woke up to the sound of a soft thud near her head. She jerked up in a sitting position thinking that maybe it could be a chipkali. This Bhootnath is so untidy, there would be no surprise if reptiles visited him every now and then. 

Shiva. She looked around to see if he was back yet or not? She had been waiting for him to return to talk to him for what happened today in the market but had lost it to sleep somewhere near half past ten. She was, after all, tired from all the guilt and worry after today's incident. That Sneha, true that she herself had talked ill about Shiva but she should have had some decency not to announce it in the middle of Somnath.

Her gaze fell on the door to find it half open and she saw someone leaving. The checked shirt and unruley hair gave her a fine impression of who it could be. She hurriedly got to her feet to go after him and her feet almost landed on the blue object, that was laying discarded on near her bedding on the floor. It was her diary that she had been writing in before falling asleep.

Her diary lay open on the floor and she hurriedly got down to pick it up. She scanned the page that was open and her eyes widened. Her peripheral vision caught sight of another object near her diary and she quickly reached for the dried rose that was supposed to be tucked in the pages of her diary. 

It was her diary whose dropping thud had woken her up in the first place. She relaxed a bit.

Thank god it wasn't a lizard. Her heart heaved a sigh.

You know what it means... Her brain whispered as it connected the dots. 

Shiva had read her diary. Her heart dropped to the pit of her stomach as the realization downed upon her like a bucket of ice water.

She quickly sprinted behind him to clear things out. They just had started to get their relation on some kind of track and now this.

Shiva was standing in the middle of the verandah, hands at his waist and his eyes closed. What she wouldn't do to know what's going in the short tempered head of his.

Raavi came to halt as she stood right in front of him and opened her mouth to say something to break his trance. She closed her mouth suddenly as she, first time in her life, could not comprehend what to say. That too to her bhootnath. Tentatively, she raised her hand and placed it on his bicep and her heart thudded in her chest.

Oooooo, Her heart jumped back from her stomach to it's right place.

Focus, her brain snapped at the heart.

Hey, Don't act like you already don't have a million 'not so innocent' thoughts going on in your subconscious. Heart retorted.

That is for another time, focus on the matter in hand first. Brain diverted the topic.

"Shiva..." She spoke with as much softness as she can muster despite her nervousness, her heart humming softly at the new mixture of his name with soft tone. 

Why are you being so sweet to him? You should be angry with him for reading your diary without you permission. Her mind snapped.

Are you still asleep? He was insulted in the middle of the street. Moreover it was your fault for leaving the diary unattended. Her heart defended him.

"Shiva.. " She said again, tightening her hold on his arm.

His eyes opened slowly and stared right back at her with gut wrenching hurt. Damn you and your big mouth, Sneha.

"Are you okay?" She asked her voice wavering a little. The emotions in his eyes turned from hurt to anger in a split second.

Angry Shiva, normal Shiva. Her brain announced.

Saved Not Ruined- ShiVi OSWhere stories live. Discover now