Chapter 1

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Tracy sighs and lifts her hand to her face and gasps.

"Hit me." She says. "I'm serious I can't feel anything. Hit me!"

As she said that Evie launches a punch to Tracy's face. She turns back and laughs.

"Again! Do it harder." Tracy asks.

Evie launches another hard punch. Tracy giggles.

"I can't feel anything! This is so awesome."

Evie takes a sniff of a drug. (Idk what it's called I'm sorry.)

"I hear this little wah-wah-wah inside my head." Evie says.

"That's your brain cells popping." Tracy replies. They both laugh at this. Evie takes another sniff and says:

"do it.".

"You want me to do it?".

Tracy launches a huge slap to Evie's face.


Tracy takes a sniff.

"HIT ME! Do it harder. Punch me." She repeats.

Without hesitation Evie launches a flying punch to Tracy launching her off the bed and hitting the desk. Blood comes from Tracy's lips and she giggles.

"Hit me really hard. Really." Evie says. "Okay I'm gonna plunk you." Tracy warns.
"Okay go!!" She punches Evie in the head.

"Ohoho holy shit." Tracy laughs.

Evie puts her hand to her head where a bruise sits."YEAHHH!" Evie shrieks.

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