Kylo and jax

26 1 7

I just moved into a new house it took 2 days to move all my stuff in,
But I still hadn't met the neighbours.

Honestly I was kinda scared because of my social anxiety,
But I had to work up the courage.

So I took all my courage and walked over to the house 24 next to me,
I stood outside the house for like 5 minutes too scared to knock.
After I knocked I quickly regretted it as an hunky,hot,dark brown haired man Opened the door.

'Hi' he said in the sexiest voice ever,
'U..umm hi' i said with a stutter
'Are you new?'
'Cool do you want to come inside? Ofc if your not busy with moving'
'Oh no I'm not busy'

I walked into his luxury house mesmerised,
'Wow you have such a nice house' I said
'Thanks' he said with a wink
I blushed.

'You know' he grabbed my chin to make me face him 'your pretty hot'
I blushed harder 't..thanks' I said flustered.
He then stroked my thigh squeezing it every few seconds, he put his soft lips to my ear and whispered 'you wanna maybe take this to my bedroom'
I nodded not being able to control what I was doing or saying, 'follow me kitten' he winked

I followed him not being able to control myself, did I really want this?

We got to his bedroom, he pushed me on the bed smothering my neck in kisses.
He quickly took off my shirt and licked my bare chest,
Then took off his own shirt and jeans
His humongous cock flung up hitting his chest.

'Kneel!' He commanded
I quickly kneeled as he grabbed my hair
I opened my mouth as he said as he shoved his long, thick cock into my mouth.
He moved in and out careless about if I could breath, but to be honest I didn't care either.
He then took his cock out and lifted me up to my feet.

'Turn around' he said in a gentle voice, I did what he said and turned around. Just as I did he sucked his fingers and stuck one in my ass.
I groaned in pain, 'shhh your ok' Jax said slowly. I just nodded as he added another one, he waited a second to slide his fingers in and out.

I moaned in pleasure, 'see isn't that better?' Jax said softly,
Jax then lined his cock up to my hole and pushed in slowly. I groaned in pain as he did, slowly the pain turned into pleasure I moaned as the pleasure got to much for me.

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