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"She remains, to this day, the hardest-working person I've come across in this business. She has great talent, but she has also worked very hard for her success, and I'm so happy for her that she seems, at long last, to be getting the credit she deserves. Where are you keeping the fountain of youth? Why do you look the same as you did in 2003 and it kind of looks like I'm in my 40s ... at best?"
-Ben Affleck

"Ben is funny! He still looks pretty good, too."
-Jennifer Lopez

"People were so f—— mean about her — sexist, racist. Ugly, vicious s--- was written about her in ways that if you wrote it now you would literally be fired for saying those things you said. Now it's like, she's lionized and respected for the work she did, where she came from, what she accomplished — as well she f—— should be!"
-Ben Affleck

"I felt like ... Okay, this is it. But sometimes I feel like what you think people are and how you see them when you love them is different than when they reveal later."
-Jennifer Lopez

"I think different time different thing, who knows what could've happened, but there was a genuine love there."
-Jennifer Lopez

"She's the real thing. I keep in touch periodically with her and have a lot of respect for her. How awesome is it that she had her biggest hit movie at 50? That's f*cking baller."
-Jennifer Lopez

"It felt like my heart had been torn out of my chest. And when the realization that I wasn't going to have the fairytale family I wanted really set in, well, that was when I really started to fall apart."
-Jennifer Lopez

"I really felt like I had found somebody great and he had found somebody great and we thought we could make it work."
-Jennifer Lopez

"I would do it all over again, I think. I really would — even the relationship part. I just feel like everything is part of your story and your journey and is meant to be and helps you grow if you're willing to look at it, and I'm willing to look."
-Jennifer Lopez

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