Chapter 1

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"Dad, please why don't you just get me a private teacher, or, even better, let me go and help you out there with all these villains!",you say. "Y/n you know I can't.",Tony answers. "Why not?!" "Maybe you'll understand when your a little older..." "No, I-" Tony interrupts you: "Y/n, we're not gonna argue about this anymore! There's something I wanna tell you..."
This can't mean something good for you. "So.... You know I don't have much time for you at the moment and I think..." He hesitates. "Yes, what do you think?",you ask. Tony starts again. "So I think that you're now old enough and it's maybe the best for both of us if you're gonna go visit a normal high school just like all the other teenagers at your age too, it would be cool!" Oh wow. You didn't expect something like that. Especially not, because Tony never let you go outside the house alone. Tony looks at you, he seems nervous about what your gonna think about his idea.
"Well okay, wow. So what were you thinking of?",you ask him. "Uhm, actually I've already found a good school for you and I've already spoken to the principal.",he said. "You can start next month." "What?! Why didn't you tell me earlier? It's my life, I also wanna decide which school I'm gonna visit!",you scream. "Y/n, calm down. I'm sure you'll like it. It's the Midtown Technical High School in New York." "But I don't want to go there!" "Y/n! I don't want to argue with you!" Tony gets louder. "I don't care if you wanna go there or not! I'm your father and you're a minor, so it is MY decision, and I decide that you're going to start next month!" You jump up, throw your chair down on the floor, run into your room and tears start running over your cheeks. You don't want to leave your friends and your life behind you and start completely new somewhere else. You like your life, that's just not fair.


The next morning Tony leaves without saying goodbye, but he left a note for you on the table. It says:

Good morning
I'm already at work, so make yourself some breakfast and then please pack your stuff. I've got a mail from the principal of your new school, you can already start tomorrow.

'Wait a second.' You read it again. 'No he can't do this to me', you think. But you know that he can. And he will. So you go into your room and think about what you're gonna take with you. Tony explained to you that your also gonna sleep there because it's so far away from home.
The last thing you put really carefully into your bag is a necklace. There's a beautiful dark green snake on it. It's the only thing that your mother left for you. She died when you were just a baby. But you don't know anything about her, because Tony doesn't talk about her. You miss her, there are so many not answered questions: How did she look like? What was her hair and eye color? What happened? Did she live you? Why does Tony don't want to talk about her? How did she die? You don't know. Sometimes you feel very lonely. Tony is always at work and you don't have many friends.
Suddenly your hands get hot and start to burn. 'What is this?', you get scared. They get hotter and hotter and your finger tips start to glow green. You panick. 'What is that?! What's happening with me?!' But then suddenly Tony opens the door and your hands stop burning and glowing. "Y/n? I'm back, is everything okay with you?", Tony asks. "Yes, it was just... nothing, not important" "Okay so, did you pack your stuff? We need to go now." You close your bag. "Yap, I'm ready to go and see my new life!" You roll your eyes.


It's already late that evening when you finally arrive at your new school. "So here we are." Tony points to a building infront of you. It's really tall and and actually doesn't seem like a school. Maybe it's just because there aren't so many students at that late time. Tony and you get out of the car and search for the principal's office. The principal talks to Tony and then shows you your classroom and the room your gonna sleep in.
Then he leaves you alone, so you can unpack your things.
After you did this, you decide to explore the school a little. It has a part were some students sleep and have their rooms, a part where all the classrooms are and a cafeteria.
You wanna go back to your room, when suddenly a boy runs into you, you have no idea where he came from this quickly. "Oh I'm so sorry!",the boy says but he seems like he's in a big hurry, so you don't have time to answer. A little confused you go back to your room and fall asleep very quickly. It's already late and tomorrow's gonna be your first day!

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