~Gathering The Cast~

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Remember to read the description before you read! It is very important to the story. There is not a specific time to where the fanfiction is set, but Jim is human. Also all of the main characters (Jim, Claire, Toby, Aja, Krel, Vex, Douxie, Archie) know eachother. :) Enjoy!

Well, okay. Today was going pretty weird for the Trollhunters. But not them only. One second, the infamous team was chatting in Jim's house, and the next, they were in this large movie theater, in seats. But what they soon noticed, was that their was alot of other people too. The first people that were noticed, were Aja, Krel, Varvatos, and Douxie.(Plus Archibald of course.)

But then again, the other people came into notice when a very high pitched scream was heard. "AHH! WHERE AM I?! PEPPERJACK, WHAT HAPPENED?-" Steve soon went silent and paused at shaking Eli's shoulders when he realized that there was other people there. Okay, what the hell was going on?

Classmates, teachers, parents, friends, and more?

"You guys think it's a troll?" Toby muttered. "Why would a troll teleport us to a movie theater? They probably don't even know what it is," Claire replied, in an annoyed, matter-of-fact, tone.

"What the?- I'm so tweeting about this!" Marcy exclaimed. "What is happening?!" Darci yelled back.

"Krel, Varvatos, do you think this has something to do with General Morando?" Aja murmured, a row infront of the Trollhunters.

"Jim, Claire, Toby. What is going on?" Douxie asked from behind them. "I have to say, this change of setting is not as comforting as I'd like." Archie stated plainly, walking in a circle before laying down in front of the wizard. "But these seats are,"

"Jim? What's going on?- This better not have anything to do with your amulet," Ms. Lake asked aswell. "Barbara, I don't think that this would. Why would the amulet bring us to a.. movie theater?" Strickler replied out of the blue, in a seat next to the mom.

"Why am I not at my house?" Ms. Janeth inquired in a yell, catching some people's attention.

"Yeah, I was on a date with-" Coach explained, before getting interrupted by Steve, who cleared his throat loudly.

Coach shut up immediately, getting the sign. "Varvatos Vex agrees, why would Morando trap us here, in this strange room with a black square on the wall?" Varvatos could be heard talking to the Tarron's, failing at being quiet.

The room had already burst into a loud fit of practically everyone complaining and exclaiming about why they were there, and how they got there. Meanwhile, the Trollhunters were all peering at Jim's amulet. It wasn't glowing, it wasn't— anything. It was just there. So it wasn't the amulet, right?

Suddenly, the whole room was interrupted by a loud sound.

"Ahem," A loud voice was heard. Someone was using a microphone, and it was obvious because a loud, annoying ring was heard, causing them all to visibly cringe.

The theater was suddenly quiet, and everyone was looking at the person up front. They were a average height, even though they were very small in some views due to their seat placing. They had bluish-hazel eyes, and semi short hair. Wearing a white short sleeve, and jeans, they started. "Hello, you all might be wondering what's going on."

The room filled with murmers, "Well obviously," "Duh." "Yeah, we weren't in a movie theater two seconds ago." "Why wouldn't we be?"

"Okay, okay. I get it. Allow me to explain?"  The person paused, before continuing. "You all will be reacting to a show. Before you start asking questions-  let me explain. There is three shows, a triogly. Based off of a hero called the Trollhunter," The trollhunters suddenly perked up. "Creatures called Akiridions," The Tarrons perked up. "And, wizards. Not only wizards. Familiars, the ancient kingdom, Camelot, and one of the very famous wizards; Merlin." Douxie and Archie perked up this time, the others gasping.

"Lively! I have never heard of Merlin, or Camelot," Aja excitedly whispered.

"Yes, they are shows based off of some of your lives. Only time will tell which people here they are based off."

Everyone talked to eachother about who the shows are based off, but a certain group of people already knew.

"Um, miss, mister, person, there are still more seats..?" Eli pointed out.

"Ah yes, thank you, Eli. We actually have a few more guests who will be watching with us. Mother?"  The person looked up towards the ceiling, getting a confused look from most of the people.

"I will open the door now, jem." (Lowercase intended.)

Krel gasped. "You stole Mother!" He pointed at jem, accusing them.

"No my roy- Krel. I am being used for the purpose to watch the shows, I am still at your house, just connected to the theater." Mother simply explained, her icon-thing floating next to Krel.

More confused faces appeared as Mother floated back to jem. "Alright, are we ready to see our guests?"

"I believe so," Mother replied. Jem nodded, and a door on the side of the room opened, a stone face appearing. Jim gasped silently and stood up. "Uhm,! Je-jem, you know who those are, right?"

"Yes Jim, I do. What, do you think I'm like Eli? Trying to prove their existence to the outside world under no circumstances even if it means risking the life of TrollMarket and the Heartstone? Psh, I'm not crazy. They already know about the experiment."

Jim proceeded to sit down and looked at jem like they're crazy, the others the same.

"First impression, ruined. Anyways, Blinky, Aaarrrgghh, Vendel, you guys can come out."

The three blue, gray, and white trolls came out. Jim shut his eyes close, trying to avoid seeing any bad stuff. All that was heard was gasps, Blinky and Aaarrrgghh sheepishly waved, while Vendel professionally sat down.

"Aw man, my special role of knowing the secret is over." Eli stated sadly, adjusting his glasses.

"Heh. Sorry Eli,"

"What are those?!" Darci asked in fright.

"Okay, in one word: trolls. They live all around the world, and these three, Blinky, Aaarrrgghh, and Vendel, happen to live under your sweet town Arcadia. Of course some people would already know that, but we'll get to that later. Please do not fret, these trolls are kind. All though some aren't,"  jem muttered that last part. Students and teachers mumbled amongst themselves about the trolls.

"Okay. Now that that first part is over, you can now all choose if you want to stay or not. If you don't want to watch, I will send you home with no memory of any of this. If you want to stay and watch, then you better strap in because this is one emotional roller coaster," jem explained, putting their hand on their hip.

After a short minute of chatting, everyone came to a decision, and a group a synonyms for "I'll stay" was heard.

Jem clapped excitedly, clasping their hands together. "Perfect! Let's get started. If you want any snacks Mother will get them for you. Speaking of Mother.. Mother? Start the show please."

"Of course, which one is first?"

"TrollHunters, Tales Of Arcadia."  Jem smiled, glancing over at Jim, Toby, and Claire.

"What, are we really gonna let this chick reveal all our secrets?" Toby whispered to the others.

"They already found out about trolls, what's the worst that can happen?" Claire reasoned.

The Netflix logo appeared up on the black screen, giving a red hue to everyone's face. Boy, who knew what these citizens of Arcadia were getting into.


Okay first chapter, out! Sorry its not the actual episode but it gives some context. I will get the first episode out as soon as possible!! Hope you enjoyed :)

🔵For the glory of Merlin! - jem🔵

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