The Boy Who See's Auras

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"JKaaayyyy"!! Jungkook shifts his camera bag to the opposite shoulder. He knows what was coming next, so he braced himself for impact. Not even two seconds later, a weight crashes into his back, and an arm slings around his shoulder. "Hobi hyung, do you have to do this every time?" Hobi stops walking for a second as he contemplates his answer. "Yes". He states matter of factly as he continues walking. "Why!?" Jungkook borderline whines.

"Because you're JK." Hobi delivered with his trademark sunny smile. Jungkook can't help but smile back. It's contagious. It also explains why his aura is a bright yellow glow. He knows this because he's seen it for himself. You see Jungkook has a secret. He can see auras. It only happens when he looks through a camera lense though. It doesn't matter what kind of camera it is, he can still see the color surrounding a person.


It started when he was ten years old. His grandma gifted him a camera for his birthday because he was so interested in art and all the beautiful pictures that hung in her house, that she had taken herself. She told him that she wanted to see the world through his eyes too.

They had always been close and he stayed at her home often when his parents traveled for business. They often took walks and he would watch her take pictures and wished he could capture the things he saw as well. His grandmother, knowing this bought him his first camera, and the rest, as they say was history.

He didn't notice the strange colorful clouds until two months later, as he usually only shot pictures of nature. But, one day he was shooting pictures in the garden, when his father came outside to speak with him, and as he was walking towards him, he decided to take a picture of him. Looking through the lens he noticed a bright reddish cloud surrounding his dad. Looking around the camera, he noticed everything looked normal. But when he glanced back through the lens, it was still there. A distinct red haze surrounding his father.

His father only.

Everything else looked normal. The sky. The grass and flowers in the garden, the trees. Everything. Looking beyond his father he sees his mother standing unsmiling, which has become the norm for her lately, at the entrance to the garden. There appears to be a grayish blackish, almost smoke like haze surrounding her. Yet again everything else looked normal. Confused, he studies the camera, to see if it's damaged or dirty. Wiping the lens with the lens cloth he diligently carries as instructed by his grandmother. He see's nothing amiss. By this time his dad has reached him and squats down to speak to him. "Jungkook, dad needs you to do him a favor, okay son. I have to go away for a little while, so I need you to be the man of the house and look after mom and the house for me". "Can you do that for me, be the man of the house?" Excited to be given this responsibility he answers innocently, quickly nodding his head "Yes Appa! I can be the man! How long will you be gone for?" His father grimaces and chuckles awkwardly "I'm not sure son. Just do this for me". He stands and gives Jungkook an awkward hug, and then walked away just as quickly as he appeared. Walking out of the garden and past his wife, without even a backwards glance.

That was the last time he ever saw his father. He later overheard his Aunt, his mothers sister, talking to his grandmother about his dad having a new family abroad. Two months after that his mother dropped him off at his grandmothers house, and he never saw her again either.

His grandmother raised him and showered him with love and affection, so despite his difficulties at such an early age he still thrived. The colorful hazes continued whenever he looked through a camera at anybody. This was something that even his closest friends didnt know. The only person ever trusted enough to tell was his grandmother. She didn't seem at all shocked or disbelieving as he expected her to be. Instead she just pulled him into her arms and hugged him close. After some time she asked what color she was, and looking through the lens he informed her that she had a lovely lilac haze surrounding her. Pulling him into her lap, she explained that the purple shade meant love and trust. She told him that he was seeing auras. A gift she herself has had since she was a child. A gift she cherishes since she became a photographer. It was a blessing, and should be seen as such. Knowing a persons true colors, literally, was a good thing. Ever since then he has aways seen his gift as just that, a gift. He could gage his friends moods. He could see when it wasn't a going to be a good time to speak with a professor. And, he could avoid relationship disasters and toxic people. It was a win/win.

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