mia & caleb

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Hi I'm mia and this is my story. My story begins here. In Stoney brook 2019
Im 16 years old and I grew up here in Stoney brook. My parents grew up here too. Before we moved to Stoney brook I lived in America. But we decided it would be better if we moved here. I've met really awesome friends here tho. The first friend i had here was Caleb. My parents knew his parents since birth. So technically me and Caleb have known each other since birth. Caleb and me are really close friends.
I've never had a better friend than him, we tell each other everything and we never have secrets. We promised that when we were six.
When me and Caleb were five we always used to play outside, and when it was fall we used to hide in the leaves so our parents couldn't find us.
We were pretty silly then.
I mean Caleb is still as silly, I'm not! But he is. Shh don't tell him I said something.
My parents are really good friends with his parents. we always go over to their house and have "family dinner" or we just go out and have a "family dinner "
It's technically just us best-friends. Such as Caleb me his parents and mine.

I woke a bright morning. I rubbed my eyes and check the time on my phone that I got for my birthday. It's 6pm and I have school..ugh. {Mias mind} "I better get up and get ready"
I stood up and stretched. My dog bear came in my room with my mum. Sarah.
"Good morning dear."
"Morning mum."
Bear came to me. I picked him up and hugged him.
We call him bear because he's brown and fluffy.
" better get ready yeah?"
"Yeah mum i know"
"I'll see you downstairs then Mia. I made French pancakes."
{mias mind} "yessss pancakes my favorite!!"
I got ready and went downstairs.
"Morning Mia." Said my dad, Ben.
"Morning, dad"
I sat down at the table and ate my pancakes.
"Yum these pancakes are delicious , i said to my mum and looked at her.
Mia was all done eating and was ready to go to school. Before she headed outside she texted Caleb that she was ready to go, Caleb and Mia are always walking together to school.
"I'll have to catch up with you later." Messaged Caleb back.
Hm that's strange. Caleb never says that. Oh well maybe he just woke up. Mia headed outside. It was cloudy but still hot. She's bummed that Caleb couldn't go with her. But it's fine she thought. She took her bike because she didn't feel like walking today.
20 minutes later she arrived at school and didn't see Caleb. She called him, he answered.
"Hey Mia.."
"Hey Caleb. Where are you?"
"I am on my way don't worry you can go inside." Said Caleb and chuckled.
"Umm okay I guess. See you-"
Caleb hanged up.
something is wrong.. Caleb haven't been him self today.
Mia didn't think much of it and waited for Caleb.
Shortly he ran to her and yelled:
"Mia wait!!"
Mia turned around and smiled.
"Finally you decided to catch up hey."
"Yeah I'm sorry. I had a.... stressful morning."
"I get it." She said and walked into school.
"We have this essay today.." Caleb said.
I look in my backpack.
"A essay? Yeah I know I studied.. here is my book.."
Caleb took the book and looked thru it.
"Wow you take lots of notes for a essay Mia. Cmon it's like just a test. What's so important."
Mia laughed and took the book.
"Well a essay is important to me and I'm trying hard to improve my grades. And I hope your too."
Caleb looked down.
"What's wrong? Why did you turn up late."
Caleb looked back at me and sat down at the stairs.
" I told you. I had a stressful morning. Okay?"
Mia looked at Caleb and shrugged.
"As you say, but you know that we aren't supposed to hide anything from each other. We are best friends right?"
Caleb smiled.
"well yes of course Mia..."
Before we had to talk more the bell rang.
Here we go, back to school on a cloudy Tuesday.
I went to my locker and took out my history book.
Caleb and my locker has always been next to each other. I went to class and sat down at my desk.
"Morning class. Today we have a essay and I hope you all have been studying. You had all week to study so I hope you learned something. " he laughs.
I looked over at Caleb and whispered.
"Have you studied? I forgot to ask.."
Me and Caleb are sitting next to each other.
Caleb looks over at me.
"Yes a little.. I think I'm gonna fail."
I nodded.
"Why do you say that? Your not!"
"Thank you Mia.."
The teacher looked at us.
"Am I disturbing your conversation??"
Do you have anything to share with the class??
I looked at Caleb and back at the teacher.
"No mr Johnson.."
"Well no that's why we are whispering."
Said Caleb and the whole class laughed.
"Watch it. Watch the behavior Caleb. You wanna be  put you in detention again do you."
I looked at Caleb and he smirked at the teacher.
The teacher continued to talk about the test for the last 10 minutes before we had to start. We had to know what we have to do and what we don't.

"Go ahead and start now class."
Everyone started doing the test.
15 minutes later I was already done with the history essay.
I raised my hand.
The teacher looked at me and raised his eyebrows.
"What is it Mia?" He questioned.
"I'm done." I said and sighted.
Everyone looked at me in shook.
Me Johnson stood up from his desk and went over to me.
I looked at him.
He took my test and looked thru it.
"Well done. 98/100"
"Really??" I said in disbelief.
"Yes why not?"
Wow that's amazing said everyone.
The teacher went back and sat down.
I was so happy. I got a A.
My parents would be so proud.
I wonder how it's going for Caleb tho.

The day was over in school. I went home with Caleb .
I came home and looked for my parents to tell them the exiting news.
"Mum dad!"
My parents looked at me.
"Hello dear. " said my mum
" what's wrong mia?" Said dad.
"Nothings wrong! Guess what... I got a A on my history test today!!"
My parents smiled.
"That's awesome news mia! Well done" said dad.
My mum hugged me.
" I knew you would do"
The next day I woke up and was once again ready for a new school day.
Today we had no tests or no essays. So I was happy. I'm still very proud of myself from yesterday.. the history test. I've actually not got a A on my history test before. I have tho all  straight A's on my grades report.
And my parents must be proud. When I was in middle school I couldn't do anything I had bad grades and gave up. But I still had little hope in having better grades in the future.
And I guess that's what happened, I studied hard and worked for it.. that's what happens when you work hard. You don't just work hard but you make your confidence better too. And I'm happy I made it.
Caleb is also really good at school. He has b's and a's
I'm proud of him. He is too.
He doesn't really care about school but he cares about his grades which make no sense to me.
Caleb doesn't like tests and working hard. But he still managed to work hard and get good grades like me. That's because I helped him to get better grades and to work hard. He wouldn't have done it without me. He should be proud.. haha.
Just kidding.

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