Chapter 1- Upacking and meeting

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"Dad, we moved here in June and now it's August. School is about to start. When can we meet the neighbors"

"When I unpack the last box."

"There it was the last box in the living room. It was the last one. I went for it. Then my dad came out of no where and snagged the box.

"I'll take that" he shouted at me

"But it was my box for freedom. I really want to meet the neighbors. I see them out side all the time and they seem really friendly. "

"Fine I will unpack it later. Let's go walk over there"

I grabbed my favorite converse sneakers, my IPhone, and my purse because you have to be prepared. I also popped a breath mint in my mouth. You never know how bad it can be.

After we arrived I knocked on the door. A dirty blonde boy my age answered. He was very good looking. After I realized I was staring, I saw he was staring too. My dad was blushing in the corner giving us our time. After around 30 seconds his mom came to the door

"Hi you must be the new neighbors from down the street. We'll welcome to Wisconsin. "

Smiled at me and I realized I had not introduced my self yet my dad did. "Hi I'm Evelyn . We're actually from Michigan not all that far from here. Just about 8 hours. "

"Nice, I'm Luke."

He stopped gazing at me and actually talked. It wasn't much. He was mysterious yet really cute.

* * * * *

"So was it as exciting as you thought ?" My dad said as we were unpacking the last box

"No not really... Well, I don't know. The seem friendly. I guess"

"After you left and went back I talked to Luke's mom and she said he was your age and you'll be going to the same school"

"Sweet I'll try to get to know him better"

"Maybe you should go over there and meet him personally, get to know him and not attempt to stalk him in on FaceBook. " my dad mumbled in a joking style.

"Ugh fine I'll do it" I growled in a sarcastic tone. "I'll do it tomorrow. I don't want to look like a stalker going there half and hour after we were just there. "

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