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Why do you have to leave Oli my whole hockey team tells me as I say my goodbyes I'm sorry I have to go this is a good opportunity for me I have to go I explained to my team as I clean out my locker I have to go guys . Don't leave they yelled as I walk out of the rink crying. You ready to go sweetie my mom says as she rolls down the window yeah I guess I reply as I wipe my tears off my face .

Hi I'm Oli it's short for Olivia if you wanna know why I told my old hockey team goodbye is because I got invited to USA hockey team for the goodwill games I'm so happy but it was hard to say good bye to them because I've been on that team since I was six I will always remember them they all know that but I'm on my way to pack cause In two days I leave to minasota to meet the ducks.

Mi amor - Luis Mendoza Where stories live. Discover now