the beginning

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I started at my paperwork. Brainless was all in these pages. The people who wrote these wanted money or some request to work on my property. Some were accepted,some denied, and some put on hold. The ones left on hold were waiting for a "yes" or "no". I looked inside my teacup. Empty,like my life. I stood up from my paperwork and walked to the door of my study. I opened it, not wanting anything more than to get away from my study. I saw my maid,mey-rin. She had maroon hair in pigtails,glasses,and a lovely maid dress on. "Hello mey-rin" I said. She looked at me and replied , "hello, bochan. Dawn said dinner would done soon, she did! Are you hungry?" I nodded. "It will be ready soon,it will!" Mey-rin said. I smiled fakely. I walked down the staircase and out the manor doors. The winter air hit my skin. It felt nice,being outside. I walked into the garden. I picked a silver rose, careful not to touch the thorns. Roses were so pretty, but so deadly. It was snowing lightly, falling on to the rose. I grasped. I felt looked down. Someone had ran a sword through me. I spit blood splattered on my hand,my cloths, my rose."now now, aren't you lovely?" A man's voice said. My vision blurred. I dropped the rose,making it the last thing I saw, before I completely passed out, I screamed,"DAWN!!!"

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