Charpter 1

21 1 0

I'll survive my time here and make it back to the present!

Determined to spend the next three months in Azuchi Castle, I bowed to the gathered warlords.

"I won't let you down."

Nobunaga took in his hand, raising my eyes to his. He looked satisfied.

"I plan to take very good care of you, y/n."

"Um, thanks?"

(Well, this is awkward. What does he mean by that? Because it doesn't sound "good .")

I continued looking at him, wondering exactly when he'd released me he only smiled more.

"You amuse me, and I expect you will continue to do so."

"I shall come see you later for more entertainment, if the mood strikes me."

(Am I what passes for entertainment in the Sengoku period? And "later" better not mean "tonight. ")

"Lord Nobunaga, I recommend keeping your hands off her. She's dangerous."

Hideyoshi glared at me an intimidating scowl on his face.

"I agree about keeping his hands off me, but dangerous? You can't be serious."

(Everyone here is bristling with weapons and I'm dangerous? I think I may have an nail file in my purse. But these three months need to go smoothly. Staying on everyone's good side is important. Right.)

" that's quite the frown. Deep in thought, lass."

"With that face? Trust me, it's nothing deep."

"I agree with our lord. She makes such entertaining expressions. I want to play with her too "

(Ugh! So much for trying to get along with these guys! I'm sure by now I was making another "entertaining expression." Fury.)

"I think y/n face expresses her thoughts beautifully."

"She's just bad at hiding what she's thinking."

"It's a nice change to have someone around who can't hide her thoughts."

(You guys aren't hiding your thoughts either. Much less your charmingly idiosyncratic personalities.)

Nobunaga let me go at last, but still regarded me. I felt as daunted by that as by the warlords running commentary.

(Three months until the wormhole opens. Can I actually learn to get along with them that time?)

"Hideyoshi, do you really see this woman as an assassin?"

"Err, we'll, she's—"

Now hideyoshi was the one whose conflicted feelings were plain to see. He quickly remedied that.

"We can't be lax in your defense."

"The incident at Honno-ji proves there's still at least one rogue at large, seeking to take my lord's life."

"Mitsuhide's already investigating we'll find the culprit soon."

(They still don't know who tried to kill Nobunaga? But then again, I don't know now either.)

"Mitsuhide, lord Nobunaga's life is at stake. Make sure find the one responsible."

"I'll do what I can. But that reminds me."

"Speaking of our lord's enemies, I heard that the God of war has risen from the dead."

"I was born to die fighting. I don't have time for women. " ( Kenshin x reader )Where stories live. Discover now