Chapter One

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*Elsa just woke up from her sleep and it was morning and she is at the prison cell.*

******Meanwhile with Mother Gothel******

Mother Gothel say "She's one of a kind Prince Hans. The girl possesses a power that is very unusual to find. There are only few of them left after the slaughter. But she's powerful, very powerful. And having her on your side could make you win the war between The Southern Isles and Arendelle once and for all."

Hans say "And how much does she cost?"

Mother Gothel say "Oh.. That is not important for now. But have we made ourself a deal?"

Hans say "Yes, we do"

******Meanwhile with Elsa******

*Elsa remember about Mother Gothel and she remember what happened to her "I remember that one night when I first met Mother Gothel. She appeared to be so humble and compassionate at first. But that was not her true self, and when I realized it, it was to late. All she cared about was my power. And my power only she captured me and now I'm about to be send to Prince Hans of the Southern Isles. I don't want to be locked away from the rest of the world. I don't want to have the same fate as my cousin Rapunzel had." Elsa look at herself and she started to make the wall frozen and it started to break. Elsa break free, when she do break free from that place she is going to the Forrest. Hans get to check on Elsa but she was gone.*

Hans say "She has escaped. When we arrived at the prison cell she was gone. That pest must have used her power to get out of here."

Mother Gothel say "No, that's impossible. We must fine her as soon as possible. The longer it takes for us to find her the harder it will be to hurt her down."

Hans say "Leave it to me, I'll find her."

*Hans took his horses to find Elsa.*

******Meanwhile with Elsa******

*Elsa saw a house in the middle of the Forrest. Elsa got closer to the house but she cannot walk no more she was so tried. Jack Frost the one who lived in the house he open the door and he saw Elsa on the floor he got closer to her and he pick her up and put her in the house on the couch.*

******10 minutes later******

*Elsa woke up*

Jack say "Are you alright? And why where you exactly out in the Forrest alone?"

*Elsa didn't know if this man in front of her was someone that I couldn't trust, so I decided to lie about my reason.*

Elsa say "I was forced into an arranged marriage with someone that I didn't love, he was a very abusive man, and I knew that I wouldn't been able to stay there for a longer time so I left. Please I beg of you, don't sent me away. I'm afraid that he'll find me and I don't want to face the consequence of my action."

Jack say "No problem you are most welcome to stay here, of and just so you know my name is Jack Frost."

Elsa say "Thank you so much, I'm Elsa."

*They went outside to have a snowball fight and build a snowman*

******25 minutes later******

*They came inside the house and they steer at each other*

Jack say "I'm going to get more fire wood. I will came back."

Elsa say "No, don't leave me here."

Jack say "I will be back"

Elsa say "Okay"

*Jack left the house to get more fire wood as Elsa look out the window*

******1 hour later******

*Hans and his people find the house and they got closer to the house and Elsa open the door and she saw Hans and his people so Elsa attack them and Hans knock her out*

******45 minutes later******

*Jack come back but he didn't see Elsa so he used his power. So he can see what happened to Elsa and he saw three men try to attack her and he saw one of the men knock her out. Jack is going to save Elsa. He look everywhere for her. But the only place he didn't look is at Antarctica so he went over there. Jack is there but he find Elsa and she is not alone. Jack was mad so he knock two men so it was just Jack and Hans so he hit Hans so he can pay what he have done but Hans got up. Elsa was so happy that Jack came to save her. Elsa run to Jack she look at him and Jack look at her too. Hans was so mad, so he got a bow arrow and try to shot Elsa but Jack saw

it so he got in front of her and he got shot instead of Elsa. Elsa hit hans and she run to Jack and she have her "Oh no" face. Elsa put her hand on Jack's cheek and she cry, and hug him. Elsa's teardrop went on Jack's face so the teardrop went inside of him and heal him. They both was smiling and looking at each other so Elsa kiss him and they live happily after*

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