First Love

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It's almost a month since Mr. Twister conceptualized the idea of publishing One Shots Collection on Wattpad. He wished to start the book with a love story; first love, to be specific. He thought of many plots that would suit the theme, but none of them was good enough to start the book. Words failed him. He kept the pen down, got up from the chair and walked towards the bed.

Isha was sleeping peacefully veiling herself under the blanket, a habit since childhood. He lowered the blanket covered on her face. She looked beautiful even in the deepest possible sleep. Her closed eyes, sharp nose, dimpled cheeks, tiny ears, and the beautiful curve on her face, her everything made him forget the world around him.

He opened the bedroom door without making any noise, sneaked to the kitchen, and prepared two cups of coffee. He tiptoed back to the bedroom, placed the cups on the table placed next to the bed and whispered "I Love You" in her ears, bit her sharp nose softly to wake her up.

"Sid...I'm going to kick you. Please let me sleep." She said pulling her blanket up to cover the face. He slowly lowered the blanket and licked her dimpled cheeks. She got up, sat on the bed, and stared angrily at him... "What?"

He showed the cups of coffee on the table. It excited her. She threw herself out of the bed, raced to the washroom and came back like a bullet out of the gun in a minute. He knew from day one of their relationship that she likes bed coffee and he would prepare that every day. Sipping the cup of coffee, she said, "I hate you..."

"For what?" He asked.

"Don't you know?" She asked touching her nose.

Lifting her head up, he said, "No".

"Done with your story?"

"I sat up all night scribbling stories, but I am not satisfied with any of the plots."

"What are you going to do now? You've got less than a week's time to submit."

"I need your help."

"My help?"

"Yes..." He paused for a few seconds, looked into her eyes for any reaction and then he asked, "Can you please tell your love story again? It's been years since you told me. I'm unable to recollect, but I'm very much sure it will suit my theme."

"No way! No...I'm not going to narrate my story to you. In fact, we promised that we'll never speak about our past."

"I understand dear..." emphasizing the word 'dear' more he requested, "Please narrate it once again... please. I promise you; I'll not ask again."

"No way, I am not going to do it. It's too painful to relive those memories again."

Going down on one knee he asked, "Will you please narrate your love story once?"

"Hmm... Okay, let's make a deal. This is the last time I'm going to narrate my story."

"That's a good deal." He jumped into conversation before she revealed her ask.

"And the deal is... double the daily dosage for the next seven days. If you agree, I'll tell you. Decide yourself." She said all at once, blushing in the middle looking into his eyes.

"Ah! Anything for you, my dear," He said, and she narrated her first love.


"Eight years ago, on a rainy day, after the heavy downpour, I was sailing my paper boats in a pool of water; a few sunk, rest made me proud. That was when I saw him first, Narayan, my senior in school, the school pupil leader and topper. He had neither six-pack abs nor charming looks, still he swept me off the floor with his intelligence and with his bicycle riding skills. He is an amazing person. You know, he proposed me in the rain?"

Mr. Twister's One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now