Hall of Fame

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As I walk through the halls I see everyone stare at me.I guess when you slap an Brie Bella you get in everyone's bad side.it al started yesterday. I was packing to go home when I
Noticed my ring was gone and I asked everyone around for it, but all I got was blank stares and mean faces.So then I turn around and see Brie Bella they laughing and flipping it around her arm. I go up there and ask her why se has my ring and she just calls me an loser and and Wannabe I was so sad.Then she threw my ring on the floor.Thats when I lost it I Slapped her and punched her until she started bleeding and dolph pulled me off of her.I was just so mad I mean not at the fact she called me an loser and wannabe,but that ring was my fathers and he passed it down to me so when she threw it I went crazy.I just ran to the divas locker room took my luggage and left.

-End Of FlashBack-

As I was walking I saw Paige look at me and I just turned away.We used to be best friends until she went with the bellas. Then I saw Alex Riley he was probably the only one that still talks to me he gave me a smile but I kept walking.I had to go to Jim Carano's off ice because of yesterday he told me to sit down and that he would be right back. Ashe left I looked around seeing pictures of the old guys including my father who was Rick Flair. I knew he would be so proud of me minus all the fighting.Then carano told me that
What I did yesterday was unacceptable and if it happened again I would be sent on leave.Then I left and went the divas locker room everyone was getting ready for the hall of fame I decided I wasn't going because to me it would just be boring no one to tale to just everyone staring at me.As I was leaving I saw Stephanie Mchmaon she called me over and asked me why I wasn't dresses I said nothing she said every superstar and diva is required to go unless you have an good excuse or an injury.I didn't want to get in more trouble so I said I was getting my dress from the hotel room and left.What am I going to do I need a dress and my makeup ready in 3 hours.As I went to my car I called my sister and told her I'm coming to her house because I have an emergency.As I parked my car I saw her run to me and she asked me if I was okay. I said yes Megan she said then what's the emergency I told her the entire story and she threw her hands up and said your lucky I'm the girly sister. We went to her closet and I saw a lot of dresses I picked the least dramatic one and the. She did my makeup.Wow she said you look so me Thanks Megan I said then I took the dress if went back to WWE and saw every one look at me. then u saw Riley and he said why aren't you dresses I just left and saw him looking dumbfounded. As I put on my dress I came out and noticed I couldn't reach the zipper I guess Paige saw me struggling and she zipped it for me then I left.I noticed that we had an seating arrangement and that I was seated next to Lillian josh and dolph ziggler.

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